originally posted in:Clan Finder
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Hi there,
I've pretty much been playing solo since a couple of weeks after launch. I have never completed the Raids nor do I ever have a group to play Nightfalls with. Which is why I guess I'm posting here. I'm looking for a reliable group of players who are mature and available to run Nightfalls, Raids, ETC with me. I'm 38 and married but I have plenty of time to game after work and on weekend mornings.
As far as guiding me through Raids, please know that I am competent usually only need to be told once or twice on how to handle a mechanic.
I have nearly all the exotics you can get via solo gameplay and my guardians are hovering around 365 light right now so please understand that I don't require much hand holding ;)
PSN username: blacksun23
Timezone: Eastern Time (I'm in Florida) I usually game from about 6:30 - 9:00 EST every week day and 8am to noon on the weekends.
Thanks for reading!
P.S. I have a few wins in Trials from Destiny 1 but not sure how much help I will be in these Trials. My KDA is currently hovering around 1.45.
[url=https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=2075312]Last Of A Dying Breed[/url] is a raiding clan with an active roster. We raid most every night and we play nightfalls, crucible and EP as well. Most of us are older, working professionals and most of our members are in the Central and Eastern Time Zone. We have maxed everything each season, including guided games. A big plus is that we have no real "requirements" other than be a decent person. We also prefer members to use a headset and play in an area without a lot of background noise. We don't discriminate and we have both male and female players so if your wife plays, she would likely fit right in. One thing that might be a downer, depending on your tastes, we do use profanity so if that's a problem then you should pass. We are an invite only clan and typically we ask people to run a raid with us before we extend an invite just to make sure they gel with our group. If you'd like an invite to run a raid with us just send me a PM and I'll set one up next weekend to run you through.