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Regular player, looking for people to play with nightfall and raids, next Monday I will be changing shifts at my job and I will be avaliable to play between 8 am and 10pm eastern standard time (new york/Atlanta time)
I currently main a hunter and a titan both around 350 light level. I am 24 and I'm looking for some chill players to get the weekly challenges done.
I consider myself an average skilled player, never the first to die, but never the one to not die.
Main goal is to get to 380+ before the new dlc.
Gamer tag on xbox is - Whip That Booty
xAx looking for members always. They host calendar events like crazy. Raids, pvp, nf, and more. They also use discord. http://www.xallegiancex.com We were also featured on bungie.net. Xbox One and PS4. Please mention me in the recruitment application when you do it. Send me a bungie message if you have any questions. Thanks.