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Edited by Concordia Kitsune: 6/25/2018 10:33:39 AM

Star Wars Story: Bossk's revenge, Part 1

Bossk angrily growled to himself and sat in the corner of his jail cell. He was on the world of Lunus II, an Imperial controlled planet. He had been captured by the Empire during a high-importance Hunt, outsmarted by a human named Tinian and a Wookiee named Chen. They had taken his ship, the [i]Hound's Tooth[/i], the Imperials had taken his weapons, but nothing took away the Trandoshan's burning anger. It was the 38th day in his cell, and every day that passed brought him closer to his probable execution. No way he was going to let that happen. Not a chance. Over the Imperial Base's loudspeakers, Officer Liam Gue exclaimed: "Have double security in cell row B4, The Bounty Hunter Bossk will be executed in four hours' time." [i]Took them long enough,[/i] Bossk thought. He had four hours to prepare himself for a insane breakout. How he would do it, he had no idea. But he wouldn't let the Empire kill him while his score was zeroed. Bossk knew the Scorekeeper would destroy him entirely after his death if he had no score to his name. 4 hours passed. Bossk stood up as a small squad of Stormtroopers and Officer Liam Gue came to his cell. The Imperial Officer scowled at Bossk. "Do you know how much trouble you have caused me, [i]Bossk[/i]? Two promotions, and a force of stormtroopers. Because of you, Bounty Hunter scum, Lord Vader is now threatening to kill me if I fail." Bossk answered in his gurgle/choking way of speech: "Do you think I care about your stupid promotions and your troops?" Officer Liam growled. "I should have done this when I had you long ago. You won't escape the Empire this time, Bossk." Bossk looked around him. There were only two guards with Officer Liam, the rest were all guarding at the end of the cell row. Officer Liam carefully opened the door to Bossk's cell and he and his two guards pointed their weapons at him. "We will take you to the main execution chamber, so all the systems can see the fate of you. No Bounty Hunter will dare oppose the Empire now." Officer Liam set his blaster to stun; no way he was letting a conscious Trandoshan walk through the base if case if he tried anything stupid. Bossk tried to hide his grin. [i]Here I am, Scorekeeper. Watch me.[/i] Officer Liam snickered, and then shot Bossk. But they overlooked one thing; Trandoshans are immune to being stunned. But before they realized it, Bossk had kicked Officer Liam against the far wall and had wrenched a gun off one of the Stormtroopers. He leaped up, avoiding the other's fire and smashed him with the barrel of the EE-3 he had taken from the Stormtrooper. With lightning fast reflexes he took down the two Stormtroopers at the end of the cell row. Then he ran for it. Only after about a minute of running, shooting and punching did he think. He needed to arm himself and find a ship, preferably a TIE fighter, to escape Lunus II. "Bossk is loose! Send in reinforcements from the other compounds and lockdown the base! Don't let him find a ship!" Officer Liam screamed over the loudspeakers. Bossk charged head on into a pair of Stormtroopers and slid, then shot another two as they rounded the corner towards him. Thinking quickly, he went into the base's armory and barracks and searched. He gunned down more troops and rolled underneath a Hovercraft, then he killed the lights in the giant place. This was no problem, as Bossk saw in infrared vision. He found a weapons stash and dug for a weapon. No, not a DL-44... E-11... TL-50... aha! The Relby V-10! His favorite weapon. He grabbed it, dropped the EE-3, and snatched a handful of dioxis grenades. Now he was armed, now once more he felt like Bossk, the bounty hunter. "Reactivate the lights!" He heard a Stormtrooper shout. Quick as lightning, Bossk dashed to the back exit, and the lights came back on. The Stormtroopers turned just in time to see Bossk zoom out the exit. Now that he was armed, Bossk sprinted for the hangar. Unfortunately the main doors were closing. But Bossk had yet to find himself too slow and fail. He jumped, diving forward, and squeezed through. He gave out a Trandoshan roar and grabbed the helmets of two shocktroopers as he was still diving forward, and then drove them into the ground. He whisked around and headshot the surprised Stormtroopers remaining, and then turned his attention to the many ships; and guards protecting the hangar. He fired at the Stormtroopers and took cover behind a stack of crates. There were too many for him to fight all alone, but he had an idea. He fired at the TIE fighters under construction, specifically the line holding it up. It broke, and the TIE fighter came crashing down, and exploded, sending Stormtroopers flying and setting of a chain reaction that completely destroyed all ships and set the hangar ablaze. More troops poured in still, and Bossk knew there was no way he could escape now. All the ships were destroyed. But then, another ship, a small freighter, flew in and hovered at the hangar entrance. The freighter's weapons fired at the Stormtroopers and blew what remained burning to smithereens. Bossk hid. He saw the freighter's name on the side of the ship. It was called the [i]Iron Blade[/i]. Either a Bounty Hunter's ship or a smuggler's. When the fight was all done, the ship breifly landed on the ground, and it loading ramp came down. Bossk realized he was meant to get aboard, so he dashed for it as a squad of Scout troopers entered the hangar with blaster cannons. As soon as Bossk was aboard, a voice from the bridge: "Hang on!" Bossk did not heed this warning, instead he ran to the bridge. A jolt rocked the ship as it took off, and Bossk was sent flying down the hallway. Once he regained his footing he went to the bridge of the ship. A Corellian was piloting the ship, with a reprogrammed assassin droid as his co-pilot. "This could get rough!" The human exclaimed, flying as fast as he could towards space. "Squadron of TIE fighters incoming, 5 o' clock," the droid said. "Darn it!" The Corellian shouted. "And a Star Destroyer blocking our route to hyperspace!" "Who are you?" Bossk demanded. "The name's Gladlin. This is my companion, IR-47. We're Bounty hunters, new to the trade." The scream of TIE fighters stung their ears. They opened fire on the freighter. The freighter exited the atmosphere of Lunus II, where the Star Destroyer [i]Retribution[/i] was waiting for them. "Oh no," Gladlin gasped. Bossk looked out at the Star Destroyer. There was no escape. ([b]Continuing in Part 2[/b]

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