Would an option to redo your guardians look be a valid addition to the game?
Free would be nice, but I’d probably pay a few bucks to have it be an option. MHW recently did and it was pretty great, only because like Destiny character faces in game don’t really look like what you created in character creation and some armor looks better/worse on different genders.
One could start a new guardian and of course create from scratch, but to do it all again for an aesthetic is too much trouble imo.
An npc that offers character alterations would be nice.
I know I would love to have half of the customization options a lot of other games offer. I would be okay with just doing height, weight, tattoos. I know the height and weight is off the table but still would be nice not being the same height as everyone else (except shaxx)...
There's plenty of customization. One can remove their helmet.