Seriously, how low can people go, it’s like human decency gets thrown out the window for one in game activity. Calling people blueberries, rando’s, and worse things for not joining in a party or replying to a message.
Let me explain, I was hosting an EP and together we had 7 people about 385 light and one guy 355. Naturally, team members started bickering to trick him into letting him promote one of the 385’s as leader then kick him. But, there was no need because we had enough high level people to compete it easily, and we did 4 Times.
The 355 said thanks they were trying to get the shotgun and appreciated all the help. Unfortunately, the others spammed the guy to death with lies and such type messages to get him to promote one of the 385’s as leaders. He finally caved and did it, Party was laughing calling him an idiot, kicked him, the invited one of their own high level.
It’s disgusting actually pretty inhuman to do that to someone you don’t know. By the way, I helped the 385’s get to level 7, ran the boss down to 35 seconds, left to orbit and took two others with me. The failed by the way and had a maxed out server so they couldn’t join back in.
The rage was delicious over party chat. Anyone who degrades another person for no good reason always has karma coming for them.
This made my laugh -blam!- the 355 -blam!-ing Scrub