<So I've been sitting on this idea for a while. Originally I was going to do "Where are we on the Dreadnaught" but shit's gonna change next year.
So I did this instead, with a little size comparison to boot... only because everyone argues with me when I say the Leviathan's only 1/3 the size of the Almighty.
Let's start off with the inconsistencies of the size of this ship. Artwork suggests this ship is -blam!-ing massive, and I mean -blam!-ing huge. The original concept art, you know the one, makes it look absolutely gigantic.
The game, on the other hand, makes it look way smaller. Tell me, do you think Spire of Stars is the uppermost part of the ship? Do you think Eater of Worlds takes you to the back end of the ship? They aren't.
The normal Leviathan raid takes place at the front edge of the city... nothing much to it.
It's the Raid Lairs that really -blam!- it up.
The final part of EoW takes place right before the third "ring" of the Leviathan's Maw. Maw means mouth for those who don't know. It's not the engine, which is at the back end of the ship. The size of Nessus is 60 km in diameter. Given the jumps we do from the Reactor to the Pulse things, the only way we could actually make it to the Third Ring is that ejector. That means the ejector fires us out at nearly 50 kilometers per second +/-. That's really -blam!-ing fast to make it to that area.
Spire of Stars takes place on the second highest spire, which is interesting because the Celestial Observatory makes it seem like it's the highest point. Well it ain't. There's one more spire, way higher up and further back along the ship.
No matter which way you slice it, we haven't even scratched the surface of this ship. Which is funny because we haven't even discovered the equal amount on the Dreadnaught.
Link to image: https://imgur.com/a/i2guWRY
Link to concept art:https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/007/419/941/large/dorje-bellbrook-db-destiny2-032.jpg?1506011056>
Makes sense, Almighty blows up stars, Leviathan eats planets. Last I checked stars are larger than planets in terms of mass.