The first Faction Rally has come and gone, and Bungie has declared the next one. Seeing as the exclusive weaponry is locked away, we must support another faction. Please vote which one you will support, so other may know who the community favors and we may all get the exclusive weapon for cheap.
Ultimately, we must not pick Dead Orbit. If we do, then we will never be able to get the weapon from New Monarchy or Future War Cult. Some may play catch-up and finish their grind to Graviton Lance, but [b]the majority must support another faction.[/b]
Please help this post reach as many as possible, so that it may be as effective as possible.
I want to go Future War Cult. Really hoping this can be the time they win because really bummed about Bungo's take back on the winner's weapons entering the regular loot. FWC objectively has had the best weapons and the side arm will be a beast. Everyone that can actually commit to grinding would have probably gone DO for the GL the first one, so lets get FWC their first win!!!