385 account: warlock, titan hunter etc. Experience with Leviathan (normal/prestige), EPfarming, prestige/normal Nightfalls (Not so much much EoW/ Spire,but willing to learn and perfect). DISCLAIMER: Not the greatest pvp player and I do die alot. Only rage at pvp/ banner etc but let’s be honest who doesnt? ;)
Looking for an established clan willing to accept all players from different backgrounds & levels (as I’m happy to teach, help and guide). Hopefully lvl 6 already.
I’m classed as a casual player (due to work committments), but focused on achieving goals, milestones and Endgame content when I am online.
If I sound good for your clan, hit me up and lets see those clan descriptions :)
Oh! Finally, I dont have discord and i’m on ps4. Thanks!