Ok... So I'd like to raise the issue of exotic engrams, and their place in D2.
I understand that people were farming them to speed up power progression (hell, I was one of them), and that you felt the need to slow that down a bit... But now we have a situation where the only difference between blue, legendaries and exotics is how many legendary shards you get, at least for those of us that already have every exotic.
Effectively you've double dipped on the exotic economy in a negative way, in that not only do they drop way less often, but they also no longer help with progression.
Since this change I feel no sense of excitement when I eventually get an exotic engram, because I just know its going to get sharded immediately.
When you complete all of your milestones and for the 4th, 5th 6th week in a row and you are awarded 4 helmets when all you need are legs... That exotic that you [u]finally[/u] manage to get that decrypts into those boots you need is just plain frustrating.
Yet another futile bump