Got the new raid Sidearm, Last of the Legion last night, and wanted to compare it to Last Hope, since I was debating on running it with Graviton Lance as a new setup. Hopped into a private match to shoot at some walls and test the recoil patterns, and discovered something interesting.
Burst Sidearms are far more accurate and have a much tighter spread when you hip fire compared to ADS. I get that Sidearms are meant to be close range weapons, but aiming down sights should make you [i]more[/i] accurate, not less accurate.
Burst on the left is hip fire spread, burst on the right is ADS spread. Both were done using Last of the Legion with a stability masterwork at the same distance.
When you ADS with a Burst Sidearm, the first shot goes where you aim it, but the second and third go way high. The distance is substantial enough that a player aiming at someone's head would miss the second and third shot. This means the most effect way to use a Burst Sidearm is to hip fire, or to aim at someone's chest and hope the second and third bullets hit them in the head.
This, in my opinion, is why Burst Sidearms have felt so inconsistent for me over the past few months. If this is intentional, please change it. If it is unintentional, please fix it.
Tested out some more Sidearms. Left spread is hip fire, right spread is ADS.
[url=]Last Hope[/url]
[url=]Traveller's Judgement 5[/url]
[url=]The Fool's Remedy[/url]
[url=]18 Kelvins[/url]
As you can see, Last Hope is the most consistent, but is definitely still affected. Also, this is a problem that only affects burst sidearms, since full auto and single shot Sidearms appear to have correct recoil spreads from what I can see.
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It would make since if some were "hipfire" guns and others were "ads" guns. By that I mean if some held better of one over the other. As is sits though, it is odd. Side note: I personally find it odd that a shotguns spread is narrowed when aiming (for almost every game). Somehow aiming magically tightens the pellet spread. Would make a nifty [u]perk[/u], but not the standard. It's just off to me. Maybe I'm the only one?
Imo are omolon-burst sidearms (compared to single bullet sidearms) waaaay to precise on long range. I know that every change for pvp influences pve but Imo the burst sidearms should have less range and more spread with more base damage while single bullet sidearms should have more precision Multiplier and precision at all and the range Advantage of all sidearms. Shortly: burst for close range, single bullet for mid range.
I would gladly take a nerf to their hipfire if their ADS performed as well as hipfire currently does.
This is something they've needed to fix for such a long time. I can actually relate to this very well because I recently got the Last of the Legion too. I remember testing it and after having a terrible time with it I finally remembered that burst sidearms work best when hip firing. I did that and it worked much better. I really hope they fix this. It would really help to make burst sidearms more reliable.
Or you could just hip fire
I've always noticed my last hope shot better hip firing.
Interesting is it the same for all sidearms or just the burst fire ones? It would absolutely explain why I feel better firing them from the hip
I haven't watched your vids yet but don't forget firing at a wall gives you zero target aquisition. Actually firing on a target would be a better test. Shots that go high on the wall would probably be headshots against a target because of aim assist pulling them down.
Interesting, this will change how I see sidearms
I’ve felt this. There was a definite difference between ads before I took time off after CoO and came back for warmind. I wonder if it was intended.
Why am I not surprised that you use graviton? Weeeweee the new pistol isn't op enought to be paired with graviton.
So by your test '' ethana'' is even better since it has a hip fire perk?
No wonder The Last Hope absolutely slays for everyone else, but I use it and can't even break a shield.
Well known "issue." Therefore, not an issue. Still best archetype by far. Other archetypes have actual accuracy issues.
Fake news
I mean regardless of how poor its accuracy is spamming the trigger make up for it So get -blam!-ed guardian You minimalist prick
Last hope will always be better.
While you're at it Nerf them too so we can have more variety in crucible
I noticed this too!! I watched some YouTuber hip fire Last Hope, and I noticed that it was super accurate
Omg! Cheers man. I stopped even trying with these weapons coz i was being outgunned with the same gun everytime. Turns out that I WAS USING THEM WRONG. Bungie please leave as is. My lesson has been 100% learnt..
Thanks for the tip. Will try it out.
Travellers judgment feels the same way. Last hope seems the be the most consistent.
Yeah ive noticed.. But i can strafe amd jump while hip fire easier since its more accurate from the hip. Like TLW from D1.
I have noticed this as well. I usually pair traveler’s judgement when I run VW and always hip fire it now. Can’t hit a thing with ADS in crucible