Takes all the skill out of the game. You can keep it in PVE, but I’d rather you remove it there as well. Turns it into easy mode.
Also, nerf grenades while your at it. They’re so annoying.
Inb4 this gets moved to Feedback
People rely on their power weapon clutch way too much to ever upvote a thread like this. As long as they're queueing on the power ammo spawns like white trash at Walmart on Black Friday you won't get anywhere with this. They run around with their fingers constantly on the trigger of their tractor canon or colony and think that they're god's gift to the sincere PVP players of this game. This game's PVP mode is nothing but a completely rigged travesty of ppl thinking they got sh*t figured out, without remotely realizing that they're all being played as they play.