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Hello folks! I am, like many others, seeking a quality Clan on Xbox One. Let's get to it:
I played the heck out of Destiny. I played it from launch. I stuck with it through the tedious and boring, because I simply loved the experience as well as the potential. I collected all there was to collect, knew the raids/strikes etc inside and out, and loved to compete in all forms of PvP. Now, with Destiny 2, I've had a bit of a late start. I purchased the game at launch but I didn't have the same group of people that I played the original with. Needless to say, it became boring, and I wasn't too concerned with proactively seeking a Clan to keep the experience lively. As of recently, this has changed. I play the game daily. I realize I need me a solid group of players that have the same vision and passion that I do.
With that being said, I have not ran any of the raids. I simply haven't had the opportunity to do so. I loved the raids in Destiny, they were among my favorite activities outside of PvP and the weekly Nightfall. Don't allow this to discourage you from considering me! I have decent communication, I listen, and I adapt to situations relatively quickly. I look forward to Raiding, the challenges they will provide, and the enjoyment of overcoming them with a group of like-minded individuals. I'm also a fan of all the other content, including Faction Rallies, Public Events, Heroic Strikes, PvP Etc. If i'm on, i'm interested in playing all content Destiny 2 has to offer.
What I look for specifically in a clan is consistency. We don't have to be the best, but we have to be competitive. We don't have to strive for world records, but we have to want to beat it on the first go. When I sign into the game, I would love to see at least a dozen other players on, preferably more. I want to be able to invite/be invited to run some content at almost all times when people aren't busy(it happens!). We don't need to have a schedule per say, I excel at being a "wing it" sort of person, deciding on some thing last minute and commit to it. If your clan sounds any thing like I described, or you desire a solid player from top to bottom, don't hesitate to shoot me a message/invite. If you normally prefer to play with players prior to approving them joining I will be more than happy to.
My GT by the way is "lMETHOD"(that's a lower-case L)
Take your gameplay to the next level! Er... actually, take a few steps back and kick up your feet. Stop the grind and join the coolest laid-back clan. Taken Stole My Towel is a PVE/PVP Xbox one clan and we are looking for fun and friendly members to join our ranks.We do not judge other members by skill or experience but treat everyone as equals here in our clan. Things we do: Crucible Strikes both heroic and regular Nightfall Story Missions Public Events Raids And much more... If you're interested in joining click link below or send me a Xbox message to my gt below as well. https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=1900286 Msg me on Xbox my gt TheWampa2099.