Fckn fix it. I'm putting together clips of fckn melees not registering and melees not lunging. I got fckn synthoceps and a player will be literally right in front of me and my melee doesn't lunge. We all know how God fckn aweful sentinel super is with hit registration. And this isn't only on titan its with all the classes. Ill post on destiny redit and update this post with the link when I'm done.
It's my favorite when melee, do a full lunge and get a connection only for it to do 0 damage and get me killed. Also love it when I get punched like I'm on the ground in front of someone when I'm actually directly overhead and they haven't adjusted their aim at all.
Preach, Preach!
Its unreal that we are about to hit the 1 year mark and something as simple as melee hit registration is still an issue.
I’ve lost so many melee battles because one of my melees is basically nullified because... well, Bungie decided it so.
That's funny because anytime I try to trade with a Titan wearing Synthoceps I whiff all the time. I think the melee animation with Synthoceps is totally jacked up.
Tbf that Titan lunge is an absolute pain. Don't mind if it doesn't work every now and then.
As a Nightstalker, i loose 99% of all melees. From Titan, Warlock and Hunter Arcstrider.
Every class in D2 has the D1 hunter melee whiffs now...now you all know how it feels to play hunter in D1 yr 3.
I hope this gets out to bungie... I am so sick of not getting hit detection, or lock when trying to melee something. Something or someone will be right in my face and the melee wont hit them! It happens far too often.