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I ve been playing since of Launch of D1. I was in a active for a years until recently when everyone took a break. I am the only one to come back to the game. I am a family guy and I mostly play in the evenings on weekdays and weekends. I have not completed any of the raids in D2 so I love to do that and learn them. I am into PVP as well and I have gone flawless with my old clan in D2. I am 30 years old and I do have a mic. I do not know how to use discord but wiling to try it.
We are a adult clan and very friendly Would love to have you join us :) Welcome to The True Black Hand clan (PS4 Clan) Mission Statement: We are a PS4 clan, for Destiny & Other Games, the most important thing will be teamwork. We will always have each other's back, both in PvE and PvP. We are a group of like-minded players looking for players of many different abilities and styles, be it Relaxed Beginners to MMORPG to Hardcore Pros. Recruitment Status: - We are always looking for Destiny Guardians to join our ranks. - We are a PlayStation 4 clan. - That is looking for members that are 18+ in age. - English speaking. - Having a mic. - Are interested in making new friends. - Being active and help your fellow clan mates. - Be willing to use Discord. - Be willing to participate in conversations with fellow TTBH members on Discord. - We are willing to take members from any country as long as you're able to fulfill the requirement above. If you want to be approved as a full The True Black Hand member follow the directions below. The True Black Hand Ps4 clan for Destiny, ESO & other games uses Discord to communicate. Please feel free to contact me once you have downloaded Discord and we will work on getting you in The True Black Hand server/channels. Followed by being approved to join TTBH on Bungie. [@everyone] Discord Nics: TTBH : Founder : SlipknoT4life999 TTBH Founder: Mattix (aka Matti1177) TTBH Founder: loststoner92 <{PST}> TTBH Admin: Theblack0492 GMT+ 1 TTBH Admin: Laced_Coffee Use our direct link to our TTBH - Welcome Room https://discord.gg/v4CCPfz Please take note we use our PSN Nic as our Discord Nic. New members can also contact us or find us by: Twitter: @TrueBlackHand https://twitter.com/TrueBlackHand Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thetrueblackhandps4// Our Destiny Clan Page: https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupId=1032201