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7/6/2018 5:06:34 PM

Feedback for Faction Rallies

Hello everyone, I have reached rank 54 I think with FWC and got that Catalyst. Pretty happy about it. I thought I'd give some feedback about my experience: - I got everything in the FWC set EXCEPT the bond, even after 54 packages. To me, this makes no sense. You should be able to directly buy the chest piece at rank 25 for example, Bond at 30, and so on. You shouldn't have to rely on RNG to get the armor pieces since some ornaments ask you to wear the full set to unlock them. Technically, I could rank up 500 times and never get the warlock bond, If I'm REALLY unlucky. But still, the fact that it's possible is not a very good thing for us. - I didn't like that the decision of going with FWC was not because of the faction itself, but only because of the Catalyst. Which means, the sort of "Faction War" feeling doesn't exist, cause I do not care about the faction, only about the reward. That's why I think the 3 catalysts should be available to everyone that hit rank 50. Of course, not all 3, just 1 per rally. That way, you would go with the faction you like in general, and not only because of what you can get from them. - I didn't really cared about the guns that were offered in each factions, because in my opinion, the guns were pretty blend, except for the Vision sidearm FWC had, which can be bought by anyone, anyways, at the end of the rally. I think that if there would be like 5 guns available (same guns for the 3 factions), but with different ornaments that can be obtained by ranking up with a faction, that would make people pledge to the faction they like, because of how they look and what they represent, instead of pledging to a faction because the guns you can get are so much better than the others. Less "forced" pledges because the guns with FWC are so good for example, and more "I pledged to Dead Orbit because I love the colors and ornaments you can get with them, and I like their darker tone". - I think the ornaments should be way better looking for each factions. When I applied the ornament for the FWC Warlock helmet, and saw that it only changed the color of it, I was really disappointed. Please add more "Age of Triumph" in D1 type of ornaments, with glowy stuff that comes out of the armor pieces, not just color changes. I can see Dead orbit having some sort of a black smoke coming out of the armor pieces, to show even more their "Dark" theme. FWC with some glowy tech stuff flashing, and New Monarchy with gold and royal stuff added to it. I think it is important that if you see a player, you know he likes Dead Orbit, not only because he is wearing a specific shader, but because his whole character looks like that faction. If that make sense. - Adding some sort of a PVP element to the Faction Rally would be awesome. I know I'm not the first person to ask for this, but a "Faction War" playlist in the crucible, where you are being matched against people from other factions would be awesome. Or maybe if you want to continue with that Lost Sector idea for getting tokens, Lost Sectors could become a PVPVE zone. Since a ton of people are visiting lost sectors during the Faction rally, that would make it very interesting. Maybe if you kill another player you get more renown? Or extra tokens, something like that. I think that would be awesome in D2 year 2. Just entering a Lost Sector, and seeing a bunch of New Monarchy players fighting against Dead orbit people would look sooooooooo cool. I talked about a bunch of stuff that I think should change, but on a positive note, having more meaningful stuff to grind for is a good thing. Made me wanna grind more. Adding the stuff I mentioned would make the whole Faction event more fun, and more special than just doing what we used to do in the past, which was grinding Public Events over and over again. I also liked the renown system, even though I thought it was really annoying when you just wanted to do regular public events. You had to kill yourself to get rid of it to keep doing what you were doing. I'm sure it's an easy fix though. I thought these ideas and feedback could be useful for Bungie. Thanks for reading

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