What's going on guys!
I've been playing the Division (base game) and really been enjoying it so far. I've been taking my time (probably too much time) exploring and gathering every on the map before I move on to the next section. I've been focusing upgrading my medical, security and tech to get get my signature skills.
In currently level 20, I have all blue gear now (found some, craft some) and been primarily been boosting stamina and firepower.
Oh, no dark zone yet. I'll worry about that later. So far having fun learning the combat and playing the missions.
Good game so far!
Oh yea....Warframe (word of the day right?)
Dude, that game sucks so hard! It's totally trash, and your tastes in game is shit! You need to get good, and love the games that I love, or you have no worth. Here's all the reasons why you should stop playing what you enjoy, and only play what I like. I only play AAA 95% Score Games. If it's not perfect, it shouldn't exist, and neither should you for liking anything else!