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Edited by Vex: 7/12/2018 6:10:48 PMDoesn't really bother me in this game. If bungo doea anything to add depth to thier game I will support it as long as its not retconning shit. Whats funny to me is there are 2 instances in this game where people mention loving relationships and both of them are same sex. Now don't get me wrong Im all for Ana and Devrim loving whomever they damn well please but why are they only ones to have the spotlight? Can anyone name another plot related relationship in D2?
Edited by Woowee: 7/12/2018 6:06:48 PMI do agree with forced diversity. Its annoying. Don't agree with movie. I love rey and not once did I ever think, its cuz she is a girl and that's it.
forced diversity = affirmative action.
That thumbnail is just so disturbing
How is forced diversity bad? Its got people talking about something that people don’t like to talk about, surely that’s a good thing.
Damn, dude, it's a video game. Who cares? I hope you're ready for the barrage of hate coming your way.
I love forced diversity, makes you look at every one and evrything. I like the fact that ana brey had a chocolatte sexy girlfriend.. its something different and different at something not old and played and I'm guy who is married with kids and i use kohonas so no im not a Jonas..
Does it only feel forced because the writing was particularly bad in the comics? That's where I feel most of the outrage came from. Everyone was hoping for a story about Ana being this badass and we got a different, but still legitimate story about her past. Personally, it's nice to see relationships between characters in the lore, even if they weren't fleshed out very well. Isn't it possible though for this relationship to play a part in the story to come and become more developed as time passes? I think that would ease a lot of concerns as they continue to develop the characters. Are people angry that she's gay or that the story is bad? If it's because she's gay, get over it. Also, is there any lore that speaks to the sexuality of guardians? Are the humans still human to the point where they view sexuality the way they did before their resurrection or does the light hardwire their brain differently? Granted with bungies writing recently, I can't say the story for her will get much better.
Edited by Prof Sheitbag: 7/12/2018 7:48:18 PMI swear people watch a J. Peterson lecture and all the sudden the diversity they see is "forced" and "men aren't allowed to be men!" and mountains of more nonsensical whining from a group that believes - somehow - that equality = discrimination against them. This is a [b][u]video[/u] [u]game[/u][/b]. These are [b][u]fictional[/u], [u]secondary[/u] [u]supporting[/u] [u]characters[/u][/b]. Remember, [b][u]YOU[/u][/b] are the [b][u]MAIN[/u] [u]CHARACTER[/u][/b] of this story, not them. [b][u]YOU[/u][/b] literally represent [b][u]YOURSELF[/u][/b] in this game. If you are looking at [b][u]fictional[/u], [u]secondary[/u] [u]supporting[/u] [u]characters[/u][/b] and thinking there is not enough representation of [b][u]YOU[/u][/b], then you have much bigger problems than an LGBTQ character in a video game. EDIT: Guys, seriously - Ghost is a plot device, not the main character.
It’s only if you read the comics, which only 2% do because there trash. And the rest just play through the shitty campaign. Now do you mind telling me who Anna bray is again. The only character I remember from destiny is that wolf from the ROI trailer. He’s in the front left. His name is Jeff.
Edited by bdbmack: 7/12/2018 3:30:19 PM
Since when has destiny been about this kinda thing?
Ooh! A can, it says worms on it.....opens can. 👀😱
Yeahhh I kinda agree with you, but Ana Bray is one of the more intersting characters in d2, so you can't really use that argument about it being her only quality.
I don’t think the issue is about forced diversity at all. I think you hit the nail on the head with a singular defining characteristic. But this isn’t a problem with just Ana. Destiny provides one dimensional characters within a superficial story. Very few characters are developed more meaningful than Ana Bray despite whatever diversity may be forced in.
Edited by epoch5555: 7/12/2018 1:47:27 PMRight on Bro. The idiots at "The Know" black balled "Kingdom Come Deliverance" for not having any black people in it. What the dumb a**es didn't take in to consideration is that at that time in history there were little to no black people in Europe. A perfect example of what this guy is talking about. Air heads on the left are getting to be a dime a dozen.
Not that i find her lesbian relationship to be problematic, per se. It's just, i'm sick and tired of people going "hey" hey you" look! I'm LGBTQ+, please notice me" and shove it in every form of medium possible as to be as inclusive as possible. I have this weird feeling that either you include every character possible in a story, even if it doesn't make an ounce of sense (Looking at you battlefield V), or you're considered a bigot, a sexist pig or a misoginistic a-hole. Like.. Seriously, i feel like the Warmind comics focus too much on the two of them and too little on actual story that could somehow move the plot forwards, at least in my opinion. As i said before.. Her sexual orientation doesn't bother me, in fact back in D1 i think there were some homo-couple as well if you took the time to read through the whole grimoire. The problem i have with it is execution and this whole "in-your-face" attitude to be considered remotely progressive. Just my 2 cents.
[quote]It’s when you make a character LGBTQ+ just for the sake of saying that that character is LGBTQ+ that it becomes a problem[/quote] What the fuk does this even mean???? It gave you an insight on why Ana fights. On why she does what she does. For love. It just happens that she loves a woman and not a man. That's literally all that comic issue was showing you. People wanted to feel connected to NPCs. So here's some back story into Ana. If all you took away from it , was that she was a lesbian , well that's your own personal issue not bungie's
and muting this shit.
Couldn't agree more, OP. Tired of having this trash shoved down our throats.
Diversity of cultures, race, ideas and thinking is a good thing. I'm bathing in diversity at my job. Lots of fascinating people, cultures and points of view. I love diversity. However, you have too many SJW types with huge egos that always feel their isn't enough, just because, and they must use their super powers to remind everyone how great they are....er....how great diversity is......every single chance they get. It's more about the ego here and feeling good about themselves.
pretty pathetic that all this gay stuff is showing up in material younger children have access to. I feel as though this gay stuff is being pushed on kids today to warp their minds and change them. The problem lies in the fact it is set up to make them gay, in a sense. Teachers in school "oh its okay for little Billy to wear a dress when he is 5 years old", this kind of brainwashing. People pushing young children to become gay should be locked away in a special place in hell. It is what it is.
Bungo supports LGBTQ+ and their pride month, as far as I can see only outside of the game. There does seem to be over representation so yeah it does feels forced, but the worse part is for a very small story bit we have to read a comic. A studio that really caved in to the far left is Naughty Dog https://youtu.be/sZwYCgNkmFY Diversity has become a dirty word, it now stands for exclusion instead of inclusion.
If people would just let people be who they are and stop slapping on labels that point out the differences, we wouldn't need to even mention diversity. It really is time to start judging people by the content of their character.
I’d be worth a first world country if I had a dollar for every time naked or half clad women were thrown in my face. I like looking at them, true, but it’s also true that it’s usually offensive, and I know others find it offensive and completely gratuitous. Bay ruined Transformers precisely this way. I’m convinced he had cameras that were actually labeled “gratuity cam”! We allowed more than one of them, and they progressively got worse. That’s the real problem; we continue to fail to address it, so when people who are fed up with such things have a chance to be creative, they do it differently, without gratuity, better and in good taste...usually 🙂. I’m struggling to find anything gratuitous about Ms. Bray. Indeed, for all appearances, her sexuality had to be inferred. It in no way distracts from the story and certainly isn’t something a child would grasp, so no one can charge that was the intent. In truth, the rest of film and television could use a good dose of such subtlety.
I wouldn't say the diversity issue is being shoved at all. It might seem that way to religious kinds but then anything that the religious kind don't like is being "Forced" and "shoved". They did the same and used the same words during black equality and the women's movement. They said it was being forced down the throats of people. There were even boycotts of television stations that aired episodes of "The Jeffersons" and "Good Times" because some bunch of malcontents did not want black people to be seen in a normal light. The fact is, the entertainment industry has a very large population of gay people. The game developing community has a very large population of gay people, Scriptwriters and all writers in general have very large portions of gay people. Most technology companies have large populations of gay people and game companies are no different. Heck, the clothes you are wearing was almost 100% designed by a gay person. Diversity is one of the things that literally makes the difference between a society and a great society. Accepting other people who are different because of age, race sex, sexuality or religion is not a bad thing. Look at Russia. A closed and corrupt society whose biggest Achilles heel is that it has always been a segregated and corrupt society. Didn't matter what kind of political or religious controls were in place, segregation of people is a way of life. Now you have lots of Americans that seem to think that its a good thing. Just look at history and you'll see that its not.