[quote][b]diversity is okay, so long as it isn’t the forced focal point of the character[/b].[/quote]You mean like making no mention of Anna Bray's sexuality in the game at all?
It’s okay if it’s mentioned or implied, what’s not okay is if it feels forced and unnatural. Like that’s pretty much the biggest trait that character is given. It needs to flow, and not be super apparent and out of place.
[quote]Like that’s pretty much the biggest trait that character is given.[/quote]How is it her biggest trait when it's not even mentioned in the game?
The game doesn’t tell us jack shit about any of the characters!
Dip the spade in water, mud sticks less and the hole gets dug quicker 😂
[quote]The game doesn’t tell us jack shit about any of the characters![/quote] SO THEN WHY DO YOU CARE???
It told us that Anna is a member of the Bray family, that the Brays invented Rasputin, that Anna can communicate with Rasputin directly & get him to help us, that she butts heads with Zavala over whether or not waking Rasputin up is a good idea, that she can decipher codes left by Braytech & access their old files, etc.
The crickets are especially loud tonight
Yeah I was actually pissed when he didn't reply. I thought he was a reasonable guy, but he just couldn't handle a gay comic book character lol