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7/12/2018 4:41:42 AM
I am getting sick of forced "diversity" in all my forms of entertainment because it's so obvious it is done just for the agenda/quota sake (almost every single movie or show now has at least one token homosexual character) rather than to try and give an actual better representation of society and humanity's true diversity. There are exceptions that can put in their "diverse" characters and not have it stick out so bad and in those instances, I welcome it. A good example for me is Brooklyn Nine Nine as the Raymond Holt character is great, is my favourite character, and he doesn't come off as being put in there just to force diversity or any leftist agenda. Leftists won't be satisfied until their "diversity" is not having any hetero white males in any form of entertainment because in their odd brains, any white hetero male in something means no diversity. Somehow. It's just like how leftists only care about free speech if the person talking is saying what the leftists want to hear. If you dare say anything that goes against their beliefs then they want to silence you. Note that this is leftists and not liberals. Liberals are generally fine.

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