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Not that i find her lesbian relationship to be problematic, per se. It's just, i'm sick and tired of people going "hey" hey you" look! I'm LGBTQ+, please notice me" and shove it in every form of medium possible as to be as inclusive as possible. I have this weird feeling that either you include every character possible in a story, even if it doesn't make an ounce of sense (Looking at you battlefield V), or you're considered a bigot, a sexist pig or a misoginistic a-hole. Like.. Seriously, i feel like the Warmind comics focus too much on the two of them and too little on actual story that could somehow move the plot forwards, at least in my opinion. As i said before.. Her sexual orientation doesn't bother me, in fact back in D1 i think there were some homo-couple as well if you took the time to read through the whole grimoire. The problem i have with it is execution and this whole "in-your-face" attitude to be considered remotely progressive. Just my 2 cents.