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I’d be worth a first world country if I had a dollar for every time naked or half clad women were thrown in my face. I like looking at them, true, but it’s also true that it’s usually offensive, and I know others find it offensive and completely gratuitous. Bay ruined Transformers precisely this way. I’m convinced he had cameras that were actually labeled “gratuity cam”! We allowed more than one of them, and they progressively got worse. That’s the real problem; we continue to fail to address it, so when people who are fed up with such things have a chance to be creative, they do it differently, without gratuity, better and in good taste...usually 🙂. I’m struggling to find anything gratuitous about Ms. Bray. Indeed, for all appearances, her sexuality had to be inferred. It in no way distracts from the story and certainly isn’t something a child would grasp, so no one can charge that was the intent. In truth, the rest of film and television could use a good dose of such subtlety.