HA that’s were your wrong Mr. Destiny one was never on pc so you couldn’t press O to skip cut scenes. So you know what that means?
[spoiler]your a big fat phony[/spoiler]
*pssst* lean in close so he doesn't hear [spoiler]O button on ps4 controller is skip cutscene[/spoiler]
😐 [spoiler]he should’ve specified it was a CIRCLE not the letter O[/spoiler] [spoiler]but I played my self[/spoiler] [spoiler]😢[/spoiler]
I'll stay extra quiet. Maybe no one will notice. [spoiler]*glances both directions and slinks away*[/spoiler]
Thankyou for your discretion [spoiler]hands over $100 and a lollipop[/spoiler]
Classic muzzle tactic. [spoiler]he can't talk if he's got a sucker in his mouth[/spoiler]