Only they have the right to decide who can and cannot speak for them.
So, unless they complain or say they feel disrespected?
All of us need to butt out and let whomever they are comfortable with speak.
And I’m not hearing many gay people complain.
But a shit ton of straight people started bitching the moment it became clear she was gay.
Pretty sure, you don’t have enough personally identifiable information on the number of posters here to identify sexual orientation. You’re assuming. As Twain once stated (or at least attributed to him): “It’s not what I don’t know that gets me into trouble, it’s what I know for sure, that just ain’t true.” But, why is it that you want to speak for them? I don’t, clearly. Is there some contractual agreement you alone have with everybody in the entire LGBTQ community that when you speak for each of them individually, your word should be considered dogma? Clearly and obviously, you aren’t the only person in the world exposed to the non hetero world. There are no doubt, differences of opinion there, also. They are varied and unique as we all are. Are there people who are using perjorative and homophobic slurs right now, on these forums. Sure, yep, I hope you are reporting them. I know I do, and will. This forum will be better off without them. But, when a poster states clearly and unambiguously that they don’t care about a person’s sexual orientation, hetero or non, but they disagree with the emphasis placed on that specific portion of the character development. There is Nothing wrong with that. That is the very definition of difference of opinions. Like you said VERY clearly, everybody’s has a story and those voices deserved to be heard. To which, I agree wholeheartedly. Everybody.