Thats exactly it, There are NO REFERENCES in game to her being gay... If Bungie were trying to push diversity, wouldn't they have included it? Destiny Lore has always been something you had to go and find, and just because we see a small part of her relationship with Camrin to humanize her as a guardian and a character, and give people someone to relate to... It's shoving an agenda down peoples throats. I think you hit the nail on the head it insecurity masquerading as moral outrage.
Left or right, that's like ... 90% of the moral outrage on the internet. : \
This entire conversation has nothing to do with the game vs the comic. It’s about every source if destiny lore. In the game, in the trailers, in the comics, in grimoire. Everywhere. Read my other reply to your last reply.
I read it, I rescind my previous comment but I still think you're creating a negative sentiment that is both pointless and could be just as simply explained as bad writing.