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Edited by The Muzzy98: 12/16/2016 10:08:18 PM

Fireteam Ashen(17): Exiles United

[spoiler]Looking for a different chapter? Here's the [url=]Master Post.[/url][/spoiler]“Checking for bounties, Guardian?” Xander 99-40, Tower Bounty Tracker asked the Guardian walking by. “Sure, why not.” Validus answered. “Show me what you got.” The frame complied and pulled up a listing on his computer board behind him. “Alright, lets see here.” Validus spoke to himself. “Cosmodrome Reconnaissance, Body Dropper, Fast Striker.. Ooo, this one looks interesting.” He summoned his Ghost and opened a communication channel with Avesk and Cosmo. “Hey guys, come check out this neat Wanted bounty.” A minute later, Validus was joined by Cosmo and Avesk. “Okay, what is it that’s so important?” Avesk asked. “Check out this interesting bounty.” Validus replied. Avesk stepped forward and peered at the screen. “Hm, a radical Exile Baron on the moon is trying to unite the House. Interesting, and potentially dangerous. Sure, lets do it.” Avesk said. He tapped the screen and claimed the bounty. “Alright, let’s get to work.” Avesk said. He summoned his Ghost and the three Guardians teleported into Avesk’s ship as it took off from the hangar and set a course for the moon. / “You know, you two really need to get your own ships.” Avesk said as the three Guardians were uncomfortably squished together. A light blinked on the ship’s main console. Barry appeared above Avesk’s shoulder. “That’s a transmission from the Vanguard,” he said, “They probably want to give us a mission briefing.” He opened the channel. “Okay, as you’ve no doubt noticed from your bounty description, there’s an Exile Baron on the moon who is trying to unite his house.” The voice of Cayde said over the comms. “The Exiles are always fighting among each other, so this should be an easy kill mission, but we want to make sure this guy goes down quick, in case things have a chance of getting out of hand. So stop him while his forces are still weak and he doesn’t have much ground. Cayde, out.” The team spawned in at the Anchor of Light. There was a massive Ketch hovering in the air not too far away. “Wow,” Avesk commented, “He’s really pulling out the big guns. If I were to guess, I’d say that the Baron is inside. There’s probably a teleporter nearby that we can use to get into the ship.” The group rushed around the area, killing any Fallen patrols they came across. After several minutes of searching, the group turned up with nothing. “That’s strange.” Avesk said. “Usually, there’s a teleporter so the Fallen can transport troops and cargo to and from the ship. The only reason I can think of or why there wouldn’t be one is if the Ketch is going to be on the move again soon.” Suddenly, a bright red light blanketed the air. Dozens of flares had been fired from the Ketch. A moment later, the Ketch was surrounded by several spacial distortions. “Cayde?” Avesk said. “Yes?” Cayde responded. “Remember when you said that this was going to be a relatively easy assassination mission?” Avesk asked. “Yeah, why?” Cayde wondered. “I’m sending visuals through my Ghost. You need to see this.” The air warped around glowing red distortions in the sky as three more Ketches descended into view, coming to rest alongside what appeared to be the flagship. Several dozen Skiffs circled around the four Ketches. Then, without warning, six or seven Skiffs detached from the main force and headed straight for the Guardians. “We need to move, now!” Avesk shouted as his sparrow appeared beneath him. The other two Guardians followed suit, and the three Guardians shot away from the scene with the Skiffs quickly following. “They’re getting closer.” Validus warned. “I’m aware of that, thank you very much.” Avesk retorted. Once they were in range the Skiffs began to open fire. Bolts of Arc energy slammed into the ground, narrowly missing the Sparrows and their riders. Right when they had the perfect shot, they ascended and turned and headed back towards the Anchor of Light, cloaking as they did so. “Why did that happen?” Cosmo wondered aloud. “It was a diversion!” Avesk cursed. “We just lost track of all four Ketches. They could be anywhere on the Moon’s surface! Cayde, have you got anything?” “Hang on,” Cayde answered, “tracking a Ketch when it’s in motion is harder than you’d think. You just need to find the right energy trail and.. got it! Other side of the Moon, looks like there used to be an old Golden Age biosphere and research lab there. The Fallen have turned it into a base of operations, although from what I can see, they’re packing up and moving out. I wonder why.” “We’ll find out for you, Cayde.” Avesk replied. His ship swooped overhead, picking up the three Guardians and rushing across the sky in hot pursuit of the Ketches. / Skoriks stood, watching his minions load up Skiffs with any piece of valuable tech. “My Kell.” A Fallen approached Skoriks and bowed before him. “Baron Treksis,” Skoriks replied, “What do you need?” “We are almost finished loading up the Ketches. All heavy munitions are loaded up, and the Prime is linked to the Servitor chain. We will be ready to go shortly.” Treksis replied. “Excellent.” Skoriks said. “Prepare the Prime for transport. When everything is ready to go, meet me in my throne room on Skoriks-Fel.” He turned and strode away, leaving Treksis alone. The newly-appointed Baron turned and headed into the old stronghold, where the Prime was being kept. He barked orders at some of the Splicers in charge of maintenance. They skittered around the Prime, pulling tendrils of wire away from the massive spherical shell. A sound buzz echoed throughout the massive room. The Prime awoke.[quote]Click [url=]here[/url] for the next chapter[/quote]

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