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Edited by BraveKinkajou14: 7/14/2018 1:09:52 AM

Fractured House; Remastered: Chapter 7; Old People, New Life

[i]We found a lower level to the vault, busted through the ceiling to get to it. We found more writing. The whole room, plastered in glowing writing. It's written in code, a mix of the Given's language and ours. We have teams decoding it all, but what we have so far is disturbing. They're prophecies. My Kell, we may have a problem.[/i] -Venell, Baron of Steel. ——————————————————— Shaski and Skoei didn't react well to the reveal. They had awoken a few hours after me, and received a similar monologue. Shaski had the best attempt at Eccoi when she lunged. Even managed to bend the leg of her cot with it, actually grabbing Eccoi's ankle. She received a kick to the face, a distinct departure from the kindness Eccoi had shown me. Skoei had a better failure though, he did some kind of twirl in mid-air and got tangled up in the chain. Hit the ground like a sack of dirt. Eccoi did help him up, though. After they both were introduced the floor, given a speech and offered tea, Eccoi tapped an intercom and said something, before rising from his table, walking over to the stand his armor was mounted on, and began strapping it on. [i]”Now that we're on the same page, we're going to get you acquainted with how our house works."[/i] He said as the door to the room opened, and in stepped two Vandals, carrying a cylinder-shaped machine. [i]”But first, we need to make sure you're all on the same playing field, don't we?"[/i] Eccoi motioned towards me, and the Vandals approached. One grabbed my arms and held them, while the other attached the machine to my lower left arm. So this is where I would be un-docked. Fun. He flipped a switch and the machine's inner workings slowly crawled to life, clamps twisting the docking cap out of my arm. It was painful, an experience of pure agony, but one that wasn't new. The caps were put in the same way, just in reverse. The first cap popped out with a crunch as it was finally extracted from the bone, ether and blood leaking into a waiting towel. He started on the other side, the other Vandal quickly tying the towel into place, before grabbing another one to put on the next arm. The second cap popped out with a similar crunch, and the Vandals retreated after tying on the towel. I rubbed my lower arm, massaging the lingering pain out. "That was rather... unceremonious. I thought docking removal was some big event." Shaski said, sitting on her bent cot, sipping the tea she had hesitantly accepted, and was now drinking in what could be described as the most grumpy way to drink anything. [i]”In other houses it might be, but here we don't bother. We have more important things to do than hold undocking ceremonies. Now, let's get you all armored." [/i]Eccoi said as he finished strapping on his midnight black armor. He hit the button again and three Vandals came in, each one holding a set of armor. They were light gray, only a few shades darker than the normal shade of unpainted armor. We strapped them on quickly, the armor unfamiliar and obviously new. Skoei and Shaski's fit them fine, but my Vandal armor fit poorly. The helmet was fine, but the chest piece was loose and the leg guards were too low. I'd need to put on weight to wear it correctly. So in our new and uncomfortable armor, Eccoi marched us out into the hall, each of us handed a canister of Ether as we left the saturated room. [i]”Here in the House of Steel, we believe in discipline. We hold ourselves to a higher ideal than most houses. Fighting among the lower ranks seeds weakness, weakness we do not tolerate."[/i] We descended through the ship as Eccoi spoke, passing other Eliksni in all shades of gray armor, but none in black, like Eccoi. [i]”The House of Steel operates on a rank system that enforces our regimented lifestyle. The lowest ranks wear lighter armor, the higher wear darker. You are all starting low, even if you're my private guard."[/i] We walked through another door, and emerged out onto a catwalk over the main hangar. Hundreds of skiffs were parked below, nets full of scrap, Eliksni swarming around, transporting armfuls of it to the other side of the hangar, where they were being sorted. They marched in lines like ants, never bumping into eachother and none even tried to take any of the scrap for themselves. It was impressive. Eccoi turned back to us slightly and spoke, raising his voice above the clatter and noise. [i]”We just finished the first round of scavenging from that battlefield. Right now they're sorting the scraps. We'll be going down in the second round, but first, we have a meeting to attend."[/i] He led us across the catwalk, passing over Skiff after Skiff after Skiff. We passed some others in dark gray, presumably overseeing the operation. They saluted Eccoi as he passed. We came to the end of the hangar, two sets of stairs leading downwards from either side of the catwalk. Eccoi leaned over and shouted down to the sorting piles. [i]”Verlas, I need three Spears and shock pistols up here!"[/i] Down below, a Captain in dark gray armor with a yellow spike on his shoulder nodded, sending up a Vandal with the weapons. Three shock pistols, all painted black, and three wicked spears, jagged and cracklings with energy. Eccoi handed each of us a spear and shock pistol, and motioned us to follow again. I clipped the pistol into a holster on my belt, a luxury I’d never had before, and held the spear high, or at least as formal and disciplined-looking as I could, since I’d never used one of these spears. [i]”Now, Kezil has called a meeting of the Barons to discuss some things Venell found. I want you all to be perfectly silent. Skoei  and Shaski, you're by my door. Keep an eye on the others. Us Barons don't always play as nice as the lower ranks. If it goes south, you two clear that door and secure the escape. Ezkor, you're going to be my second for now. You're my counsel and direct guard. If anyone tries anything. You pull me out and cover the retreat. Got it?"[/i] We all nodded. This House was a lot different than the Devils all right. First day on the job and we’re being taken to a meeting of the highest ranking members of the House. I looked over at Shaski, and I could just see the machinery in her head crawling along as she tried to process this. [i]”Good. Now, I want you all listening. Take notes on what's being said. You guards are a select few who get direct access to these meetings. Don't squander the opportunity."[/i] With that, we came to the door, larger than most and painted black with a red stripe across it. Eccoi stepped up to the keypad set in the center of it and tapped in a code. A light blinked, the door opened, and we walked into our new lives.

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