Now, I’m not boasting saying BTDobbins is trash, but rather I like to bring up an interesting discussion.
We as gamers seem to have become overly negative, both in games and outside of games. Some people come to games as an escape from real life, and with all this negativity lately, it just doesn’t provide an escape.
I feel like this video also proves this point, where we need to let go of some of our elitist ways, and just try to have fun.
Yea, Dobbins, the guy who makes sure to open his thesaurus before writing any long (and boy do I mean long) rant about something he's upset with. You know they taught us in Grammar that the purpose of learning the "big words" was to be able to shorten your sentences and people could understand what you are saying. But NOT Dobbins, he likes to extend those sentences with his buddy Thesauro to make the obvious point take at least 10 words more. People like Dobbins like to act smart while people like Driftor are actually intelligent.