You can think the rng loot system for that. Since catalyst and strike exclusives drop solely from boss/end chests, and drops are solely rng based, the faster a player can complete a strike, the sooner they get to roll the dice and the sooner they can either stop farming or hop into the next strike. There's no incentives to kill mobs and taking your time clearing mobs only means taking a much, much longer time to farm your drops. When it can take literally hundreds of strikes to get a single drop, and that's if you even get one, no-one wants to spend 20+ minutes for one roll of the dice.
I personally don't care since, from my own experience, most "speed runners" will slow down after they get slaughtered once or twice or, depending on the strike (infinite forest strikes), I'm right there with them. For me it all comes down to what my team wants. If I feel like they're trying to just run past everything, I'll run with them. If they're taking their time killing, I'll take my time as well. If we are running, I'll stop and pick off snipers or high threat targets before I run through and that's usually enough to keep my teammates from getting picked off as they rush through.
The fix for this would be something similar to nightfalls, where the higher your score the more likely you are to get drops. The increase to drop rates would need to be substantial, however, in order to provide enough incentive for farmers to want to take the time to clear mobs. If Bungie were to do something like this, and they pulled some crap where drop rates with low scores are 1% and drop rates with high scores only go up to 1.5% then obviously there would not be enough incentive for speed runners to slow down. Maybe something more akin to low scores get 1% and max tier scores get 10%. As prestige nightfalls are, from what testing I've seen posted anyways, the difference in drop rates between low and high scores is so minuscule that most speed runners can't be bothered to slow down.
A score based system that increases drop rates too substantially would of course lead us back to the issue vanilla D2 had, where most players had all the gear they could ever want by week three. The system would need to be moderated and tweaked which is where the biggest problem arises; Bungie's inability to make even minor game adjustments more than once every three months. >.<
Edited by Black Magic: 7/15/2018 4:40:58 AMAnother well thought explanation from Lyrro 👍
Shhh! You start accusing me of making well thought posts and I'm likely to get kicked off the forums. Everyone knows that logical thinkers are not welcome here.
No its not bungies deal, its a YOU deal, YOU make it that way. Welcome to loot based systems with any future adjustments that are made will be directly related to teamwork without the word 'speed' involved, mark my words. Your incentive isnt mine and I give two shits about rng, the crap drops it drops but I sure as hell enjoyed the run with the team, each step of the way. One can write up an entire paragraph explaining why the famous 'speed' run happens, the effect lets call it. No one would do it period, cause speed running is risky at best, tends to kill the runner before he or she ever gets to the pull point with a huge embarrassment as the team goes by and leaves you there...its all about the ego, period on both sides be it for scores at 1% to max tier 10%...ego, say it...EGOOOO
Edited by Lyrro: 7/15/2018 4:02:12 AMYou're new to loot based gaming, aren't you? I know it hurts to be wrong, but check your ego... it's getting in your way. Destiny is a "looter shooter" though these days Bungie prefers the term "collection game". I can guarantee you that none, literally none, of the people farming strikes are doing so for the sake of showing off their leet skillz. They are doing it for the loot. Problem is there's no seperate matchmaking for farmers, and using 3rd party apps to find groups to speedrun heroics is tedious at best and impossible with certain modifiers active. This means that farmers will have to resort to standard matchmaking which in turn tends to pair them with non farmers. For farmers, loot is the incentive, not the enjoyment of strolling through the park shooting stuff, which means that if you want them to slow down, there needs to be a something to encourage them to do so. The best way to do that is to make the entire strike relevant in regards to loot instead of just the boss/end chest. The best way to do that, without making it rain loot, is to score strikes and tie loot chances to scores with higher chances at higher scores.
Edited by More Power: 7/15/2018 3:09:42 PM[quote]which means that if you want them to slow down, there needs to be a something to encourage them to do so. [/quote] Unless you can solo the strike don't run ahead. "Just one thing Six," Carter continued, "I've read your file, even the parts ONI didn't want me to. You work well alone, but we're a team, and that lone wolf stuff stays behind. Got it?"
Listen to this man he gets it 😅 I ain’t speed running to say I’m better than anyone. We not worried about you or your skills we just tryna get to the chest at the end of the shit rainbow.