(The group of three exits through the big door in a series of robotic movements. The main group enters a battle formation.)
Artemis: You know the drill at this point I’ll hack, y’all fight.
(Artemis pulls up the hacking screen and sees six options. The first three are marked as device.prt but the other three are marked as MC.D MC.W and MC.A.)
Artemis: They have the devices too? Hey guys, beware of their attacks! Hey there are three things I could hack that aren’t weapons!
Independent Nazo: Just hack something!
(Artemis selects MC.W and gets to work while Pistol Pete summons his swords and Cayde-7 activates his heightened abilities. The green lights on the people’s heads flash as they approach.)
Enemy 1: Engaging warp.
(Suddenly everyone slows down but Cayde with his increased speed can still keep up with him.)
Cayde-7 How is he going so fast!
Enemy 2- Die please.
(She then summons a sword and faces Pistol Pete in a clash of swords. ManofLight moves towards Enemy 3.)
Enemy 3: Terminate.
(He puts out his hand and a small orb appears and explodes next to ManofLight.)
ManofLight: This is fine! I’ll take you down!
(Enemy 3 summons more orbs but ManofLight teleports them back at him but he seems to be protected from his own explosions.)
Cayde-7: Come on guys we got this!
(He is knocked over by Enemy 1 and is punched multiple times before he can get up.)
Independent Nazo: Hold on Cayde I got you!
(He shoots at and hits Enemy 1 stunning him.)
Enemy 1: ERROR. Warp disengaged.
Cayde-7: He’s moving at a normal speed now!
Independent Nazo: Lets take him down!
(Cayde starts whaling on him at high speeds and Independent Nazo starts shooting him.)
Artemis: Done hacking the first one!
(The light on Enemy 1’s head flashes and shuts off making him fall unconscious. The person in the shadows groans in anger at this development.)
Cayde-7: What just happened?
Independent Nazo: I don’t know but let’s help the others.
(Cayde runs over to Pistol Pete and starts fighting Enemy 2 she summons anothe sword an starts fending off both of them at once.)
ManofLight: Can I get some help over here?
Independent Nazo: Of course!
(ManofLight starts teleporting orbs away from Independent Nazo and himself while Nazo shoots at Enemy 3.)
Artemis: MC-D is down!
(All of the explosive orbs fall to the ground useless. Enemy 3 is knocked out. The man in the shadows runs seeing that two of his three fighters are unconscious.)
Independent Nazo: It happened again! I wonder...
ManofLight: Yeah yeah. Let’s go finish off the last of them!
(All of the fighters move to the last enemy the one who has single handedly fought off both Pistol Pete and Cayde-7.)
Cayde-7: Give up! You’re surrounded!
Pistol Pete: You have fought well but you must surrender.
Enemy 2: I ERROR will ERROR fight till I ERROR.
Artemis: MC.A is shut down.
(Enemy 2 falls to the floor unconscious.)
Pistol Pete: Hey where did that guy go?
Artemis: Crap! He got away!
Cayde-7: Oh well. We need a break anyways.
ManofLight: I agree with Cayde.
Independent Nazo: Fine. We will take a break and here what those guys have to say about all this.
Cayde-7: Ok!
End of part 4.
We won? Wow!