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7/16/2018 7:04:27 PM

Remove Revive Wipe Mechanic From Raids

Excluding the dual primary / heavy weapon loadout, the strangest and least welcome addition to Destiny, in my opinion, is the revive token system for raids; namely the wipe mechanic. Sacrificing player experience on the alter of inclusivity was not the right decision. In D1, the best moments were clutching a boss fight with a player or two down. Aksis Phase 2 was my favorite to clutch with two to three people down; being able to play to a higher level and have it pay off. That is gone. If someone can’t hang, it’s a kick and that is not a fun conclusion to come to. I can see the writing on the wall: easier raid fights. While Spire of Stars didn’t present itself as easy and it isn’t, you’re move from additional mechanics for Prestige to manipulating weapon loadouts and adding modifiers is not inspiring in the least. Maybe it will work, but I am not hopeful, not if it is forced. Prestige / Heroic should include more mechanics and tougher enemies and we should be able to use the most efficient loadouts, not some dreamed up load out by the dev team so that we use their creations the way they see fit. Destiny is built on player decision and seeing you gradually take that away is a bummer. I hope the wipe mechanic due to player death goes away and you guys relent on hijacking player decision making to promote your narrative or your Sandbox Team’s design hubris.

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    I hate the revive tokens so much.. They make no sense in a normal raid. They are too punishing for the whole team as well.. A forced team wipe because one person was stupid. There are so many things in D1 that worked just fine, the normal raid, and the hard raid system in D1 were one of them.. They were not broken, they gave the team clutch moments that were epic.. The token system just removes this, and is an over all team punishment.

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