originally posted in:Clan Finder
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Hello! i have been looking for a good clan for a while now with no success yet. Im simply looking for a active, fun and helping clan that have no problem with players that have never raided before (i really want to try out raiding) and also does things like nightfall and trials pretty much all end game. I am very active and play a lot. My PSN is sillyz59 feel free to throw me an invite if you feel like it!
[b]Do you want the opportunity to run a raid or nightfall every evening?[/b] Are you an active UK/EU PS4 player looking for an active clan to join, if you are then come check us out because we are always looking for active new members!! Clan link - https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2/Chat?groupId=2707906 [b]Note[/b] If you apply to join please keep an eye out for a message via Bungie.net.