originally posted in:Clan Finder
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385 characters across the board. Looking to get my Raid game up and start going for those 400 power prestige weapons. Have only completed raids a few times. I play about five days a week or so.
Not sure what your platform is, but if it’s Xbox, hit me up! Have you been part of a gaming community before? Vanguard Gaming is an XB1 clan. We are recruiting people for our destiny clans trying to get ready for The Forsaken release. Age 16 and up only that said we're mostly in our mid to late 20s. We run milestones weekly and we are trying to get everyone used to the raids right now. We have a team to help teach raid mechanics and help other members get their milestones completed. You can be apart of the Sherpa Team we have. If you're interested just msg me back on here or Xbox gamertag is the same and we can chat alittle and see where you fit in. Check out our #Destiny2 clan! https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=654061