01 - Brother and Sister
In the beginning, there was a singularity. A point of infinite space and time. From that singularity came a Snake and an Eagle. The Snake was witty and cunning, while the Eagle was bold and brave. The Snake said to the Eagle:
Snake: I need my space. I want to expand beyond and reach for the stars.
Eagle: I need my time. I want to learn from the past and prepare for the future.
And just like that, the Snake and Eagle grew separate. They used the long straws of space-time to build a barrier and cut the universe in two. The Snake and Eagle had their own wishes, and the two universes became very different. One became the harbor of Space, and the other of Time. One day, millions of years later, the Eagle decided to contact the Snake.
Eagle: Snake! How I’ve longed to see you! I have come to help you understand the laws of Space!
Snake: No. We have grown separate. My mission is mine alone. I do not need you to help.
And with that, the Eagle was cast back to his universe. From that day forward, the Eagle and Snake resented each other, and worked against the other at any cost.
The universes grew and diversified. The Snake bestowed the gift of Space upon the inhabitants of her universe, and the Eagle bestowed the gift of time upon the inhabitants of his.
Excerpt from “Form and Formless”, a book of legends written by a human philosopher that is now uploaded to the minds of the Pure to help them understand their universe.
Interesting [spoiler]we might want to add this in the pages of the hitchhikers guide[/spoiler]