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Destiny 2

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Edited by Vodka7up: 8/1/2018 8:37:33 AM

Fireteam LTL investigates Lost Oasis

(X-post from Reddit) As the fireteam landed on the Lost Oasis, they saw two figures on top of a nearby rock. An elder guardian, wearing old worn out armor and with a somewhat crazed look in his eyes, and a younger female guardian that seemed to be tending to him. As they approached the duo and the elder guardian took notice of them, he opened his eyes very wide and scurried over to them. “Do not trust the Jees!” - he said, grabbing the titan’s arm. “The Jees lie!” The younger female guardian approached with a sigh and gently took the elder by the shoulders. “Come now, father. Its alright.” The fireteam looked on each other with looks of confusion. The female guardian turned to them. “You’ll have to excuse my father. He… is not well.” “Who are these Jees he talks about? What happened to him?” the Titan asked. “He has these… visions, I guess. He believes these Jees are some sort of gods, and he says he talks to them. As for what happened to him, it’s kind of a sad story. You see…” At that moment, the sky darkened. The elder guardian sprung to readiness and took his old rifle. For a moment, her daughter went silent and just listened. Everyone on the fireteam readied for action, unsure of what was coming. Then a cabal ship warped in, and a huge drill descended from in to a plateau some distance ahead. “It’s the Lizard men drill! Hahahahaha! The Lizard men drill!” The elder guardian sat down and laughed crazily repeating this over and over. “It’s the drill! Again!” The fireteam stared in confusion not sure what to do or say. The female guardian sighed. “Don’t be alarmed. This is normal”. She searched her satchel for a moment. “Oh, crud. I’m out of medicine. Look, I hate to ask you this, but could you keep an eye on him for a moment? I need to go to the tower real quick and get his drugs.” “But, what about the Cabal over there?”’ asked the hunter. “Oh, don’t worry about it. They’re constantly coming. Its all that ever happens here. They get their big drill, they do their thing, then they go away. Sometimes some guardians go out of their way to destroy it, but they just send in another one. Over and over and over. I used to fight them at first, now I don’t even bother. Waste of time and ammo. So, can you just watch him for a bit?” “Sure, I guess, but what do you want us to do?” “Just keep an eye on him. Make sure he doesn’t hurt himself. Talk to him. He likes to talk, sometimes it calms him down. I’ll be back in just a moment, Thanks, I owe you” And with that, she transmatted over to her ship. The fireteam turned to the elder guardian, sitting on the floor, rocking his body back and forth and muttering to himself. “I need to go back there… I need to go back there…” “Back where, old man?” The warlock asked. The elder guardian looked up on him. “Back to the cave of whispers, of course! I was there… I was… and it talked to me…” “Where is this cave?” The elder snapped. “There is no entrance! Can’t you see? That’s the problem!” “Calm down. So if there’s no entrance… how did you do in there?” “A great beast of shadow… it was here once… the sky went dark and then it appeared… yes… we were younger then… it challenged us, and we defeated it… and when we beat it, a gateway of light opened… right there. The warlock turned to the titan in a low voice “Beast of shadow? Gateway of light? Could he be talking about taken and vex gates?” “I don’t know” The titan replied. But no harm in trying to know more about it” He turned to the elder. “So you went into this… gateway?” “Oh yes. We were brave and adventurous. We believed we were strong, that nothing could defeat us. But we could not prepare for what was in there. Such darkness. Such emptiness. It was not a place meant for us. Oh no. But we persevered. We jumped through the void. We crawled through holes. And it talked to us. We hard its whispers.” “What whispers? Who talked to you? What did it say” “Who, we did not know. It was... ominous. It told us there was no light there. That we would drift. But we could feel it. Its power, calling out to us. Its raw, unparalleled power, waiting for us at the end. So we endured. We found the way through abysses and crawlspaces. And at the end…” the elder’s eyes dimmed and he turned his gaze to the ground. “What? What was at the end?” “A whole army of beasts of shadow! Too many to count! We fought on and on and on, but at the end… they were too many… We couldn't do it! I was defeated and blacked out… and when I woke up, we was back here again, and she was tending to my wounds.” “Your daughter?” “My daughter? No, of course not! My wife! We recovered, we trained and we grew stronger so we could return… we needed to return there, you see? We need to see what lies at the end! Know who was whispering to us! And what it really wanted to tell us! So we waited for the great beast of shadow to return… and we waited… and waited… but it never did! Only the lizard men… again ans again, always the lizard men!” The fireteam members instinctively turned around to see the Cabal drill, but it was already gone. Whether it had just left or if something actually happened, they did not know. “What about the whispers? Did you hear them again?” “Not the whispers… but after a long time… I learned about the Jees in my dreams.” “The Jees?” “The Jees! The gods! Baan-Jee, the god of creation. He created all you know and see. And his wife, Ar-Enn-Jee, the goddess of fate. She controls everything that happens.” “I see.” The hunter said, with just a hint of sarcasm in his voice. ”And did you ever actually talk to these… gods?” “Not to them personally, no. But after many unanswered prayers, after I started questioning their work and their very existence, I was visited in my dreams by their son, their herald… Dee-Emm-Jee.” “And did he talk to you? What did he say?” “He told me that the great beast of shadows still roams these lands and that someday he will return to this place. He also told me that I should not question the gods, that everything that exists and happens is the way it is meant to be, and that I need to abide to their whims, even if they seem unjust.” “And why do you say we can’t trust them?” “Because!” The elder sprung up and grabbed the titan’s arm again. “How could it be be true?? How could this be the way its meant to be? How can one simply abide to their whims?? I need to hear the whispers once more! I need to learn what lies at the end! I need… I need to go back! To go back, do you understand?!” The elder’s daughter transmatted back. “Just in time, I see.” She took out a pistol grip syringe from her satchel and administered the medicine. “Ok father, calm down, its alright.” “I neeed… to go back…” The elder calmed immediately and sat down on the ground. “Sorry I took so long. Tess wouldn’t shut up about the new goods she had gotten. Thank you.” “Its alright.” Said the warlock. Your father told us quite the story. About mysterious caves and monsters and gods.” “He told you his story, did he? Yeah, its sad, really. My mother has been gone for a long time, but I can’t get him to leave. As time went by, he became more and more obsessed. It drove him mad. I tried convincing him that it only happened once and its not going to happen again, but he won’t hear it. He’s stuck in the past, caught in window in time, trying to get back to the cave. He’ll fail every time, but he doesn’t know that.” “Sounds horrible.” said the titan. “But has he ever put himself in actual risk?” “Well I can’t be here all the time of course. He seems to be better during the week days but it gets way worse on the weekend. Sometimes I get here and I’ll see him trying to climb those tree roots in the cliffside. He says there’s some sort of hidden path to the cave, a passage forsaken by the gods, and that he’s trying to reach it.” “But wait, the story, the cave... is it real?” “Oh yeah. My mother used to tell me about it too. Its actually how they met. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to tend to my father.” The firetam walked away, with a last look at the elder. The drugs were taking effect and he slumbered, sitting on the floor. They did not talk for a while, thinking about the story the elder had told them. Then, all of the sudden, the sky went dark again.

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