[i]OLD FORUM POST: https://www.bungie.net/en/Forums/Post/238796275[/i]
[i]OLDER FORUM POST: https://www.bungie.net/en/Forums/Post/236962186[/i]
(This is an updated post to allow it to hit the front page.)
[spoiler][i][b]OPEN FOR NEW RECRUITS![/b][/i]
[i](Currently at ~70 members, staying open until 90)[/i]
[b]ABOUT US[/b]
The aim of this clan is to build a group of like minded, mature players with a similar approach to content.
This means that the first order of business in any encounter is having fun! We run weekly high level content, and aim to complete this at a high standard. However, new players and veterans are welcomed alike :D
[i](NA players are welcome, however you will have to play on EU servers during clan activities)[/i]
[quote]Our clan page : [url]https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2/admin?groupid=2105599[/url]
Our Discord Server: [url]https://discord.gg/9yNKRqW[/url]
Our Bungie.net Group : [url]https://www.bungie.net/en/Groups/Chat?groupId=2831926[/url]
Our Battle.net Group : [url]https://blizzard.com/invite/Dm9pWcLL0[/url]
[quote][i]•No excessive shit talking for the sake of it (salt in pvp is fine ;P)
•No excessive swearing
•No hatespeech
•No elitism
•Be respectful to all other players
•Obey the Bungie and Blizzard rules
•Enjoy the game![/i][/quote]
[b]HOW TO JOIN [/b]
[quote] [b]•Upvote this post.[/b]
•[b]Reply with your battle.net id[/b]
•Join our Discord : [url]https://discord.gg/SyFd2j[/url]
•Join our clan : [url]https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2/admin?groupid=2105599[/url]
•That's all!