Thank you OffTopic for all the kind words and advice. From now on I'll post these whenever I feel like it rather than on a schedule. Hope you enjoy the WYR, peace.
Add [spoiler]Dip your ballsack in a fire-ant hill[/spoiler] In your next WYR.
#2works out pretty well. There's no clause you have to be in the middle of a busy park or city office, so there you go...
I do the second one anyway
Definitely Dora option.
Definitely golf club, might make that game exciting
Add breathe the same air as a furry
Do I get to pick the porn?
I honestly can handle the fourth one...
4th is too hilarious too pass up
The fact these options have nothing to do with each other and there's no theme bothers me
Thank god I am a cave dweller
True story: In my old position in the company, I drove a delivery van that had no a/c or radio, none of the company vans have either of those. The area I worked in, was a low income, predominantly hispanic neighborhood, so there were a lot of vehicles that also had no a/c. So anyways, I was driving around making my deliveries over the course of the day and I was done with the delivery phase and was now making pick ups from business customers. I was on my way to a popular motorcycle customization shop that also had a bar there. I hit a red light and a suburban pulled up beside me with the windows down, which was normal. I look over and see a little hispanic girl who waves and shows me her sippy cup, so I waved back and showed her my bottle of water, smiling. I turn back to the light and at that moment, I hear, D-d-d-dora, D-d-d-dora! You can lead the wa-ay! I laughed and drove off. Now, if you have ever had to go without music, you are probably aware that any music your hear gets lodged into your brain and if you have worked alone, you are also aware of the tendency to talk to yourself or sing. So I pull up to this biker bar/motorcycle customization shop, which is full of bikers and walk in the door singing..... D-d-d-dora! D-D-D-DORA! You can lead the wa-ay!! As you can imagine, every eye in the shop was on my goofy ass, lol.
I'd rather Do-d-d-d-d-do anything else. Wait...
You would get pretty ugly pretty fast with the golf club. You should do weird body parts next time. Like having tongue hair, 7 fingers, 2 penises, something like that.
I’d get hit in the face with a golf club. I can just wear protective gear over my face so I can stay safe and still get hit by it.
You never specified how long I had to dress up like Dora
Option 2) Roblox porn plz
Edited by --KNIGHT--: 8/2/2018 2:27:42 PM1. That'll create an illness and I'll die pretty quick. Nope 2. Everyone does that anyway. Depends on how long for. 3. Painful, but I'll get used to it. Also depends on how hard it hits me. 4. Again, depends on how long I need to do it for. I'll be called a twat for life. Eh. 4 Cause I'll just do it whilst Moines looking. Although... no-one can stop me from not doing it though...
There is literally no downside for option number 2
Never said how hard the gold club hit is [spoiler]Just tap it in Happy[/spoiler]
Wake up at 6 am. Head to bathroom. Put on Dora costume. Take off Dora costume. Checkmate.
i'd watch porn and have a great time laughing at myself & the reactions.. i'd literally do this as a job if it paid well.
Edited by Darth Turtle: 8/2/2018 1:11:01 AMYou never specified how hard I’d get hit. Heh heh I win once more señor!
Guess I’ll just have to rock the Dora look
Edited by Pie: 8/2/2018 1:58:30 AMDora or prawn. Straight up Neigh on the horse piss [spoiler]rip Engra[/spoiler] While a hit with a golf club to just the right spot [i]could[/i] kill me, I'm not down for the inconvenience of concussions or a busted eye socket. Dora is just mildly humiliating. But the prawns. I think there'd be some twisted entertainment value in walking around a crowded city wired up with prawn sound fx.
I'll take the backpack, backpack please.