originally posted in:Clan Finder
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My former clan died, and I was the only one contributing to the weekly status, so I'd love a clan that's active, but also one that's good for casual players. I complete the weekly reset each week but don't have enough free time to run the Raids (unfortunately). Will definitely contribute in all other areas and be active/responsive to requests when needed!
So here’s the basics all neat in front of you so I don’t waste your time. Looking for an ACTIVE clan you can kick ass and laugh with? Well you’ve found it. We are spread out into 2 clans (Infinitus Imperium & Infinitus Nihilo) And we are growing everyday so membership spots are decreasing steadily, join up while you can! Boths clans are MAX LEVEL and we get all 4 engrams EVERY WEEK. Boths clans conduct at least 2 raids EVERYDAY. As of right now, we have CLAN WIDE CRUCIBLE TOURNAMENT. 24 People competing 6 Teams of 4 Plenty of...friendly COMPETITIVE trash talking. If you’re looking for a good time with shooting your friends, you’ve found the place! Join up! Everything is more fun with more friends! If Crucible isn’t your thing… We have TEACHERS/SHERPAS/GUIDES in EVERY TIME-ZONE! So all you need is to ask and you can have a fireteam up in minutes. Discord will be a requirement, as it is where everyone goes to talk :) https://discord.gg/Gtg2XYY