Platform PS4
I need a clan who I could do raids with and help me through Solstice of Heroes.
I am an active player.
I put 100% in all activities.
You'd fit in well with us, friend. Back in D1, my friend Gallagorilla founded a group of about 530 members called The Founders of Destiny. Our mindset was to help new players through endgame content and share our experiences of the game. With D2 we turned that large group into a clan. This clan was originally Xbox only but due to overwhelming success we have created a PC and a seperate PS4 clan to grow on all platforms. Both of these clans are new with few members but if the success of them is only half of the original clan they will turn out great! All of these clans talk exclusively on an active Discord, so to join the clan you must join our Discord first. PC Clan: PS4 Clan: Xbox Clan: If you have any questions feel free to message myself or Gallagorilla here or on Xbox one at Gallagorilla50, Whisp125. You can also message me on PSN at Whisp1207. I'd love to get the clan to a point where we can run through stuff together. I love Raiding personally, and have done multiple clears of each activity on Xbox, so don't let my PS4 numbers fool you. I just started hardcore playing yesterday on PSN. Thanks and we hope to see you soon!