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Have a 380+ Warlock with the new redux armor set. Working on Hunter next. Have never raided before - have social anxiety and raids/nightfalls are hard for me to get into. Looking for a relaxed group who has open spots for new raid members.
I play most weeknights and weekends, have a full time job that can keep me busy, but it's a 9-5 and easy to meet scheduled events like raid night.
[u]Info[/u] https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2/Chat?groupId=1623809 The helio wardens is an active [XB1] clan since destiny 1 we are looking for players with a passion and love for destiny and help new and returning members return to their feet. We have raid teams,trials of the nine teams, and other activities open for any players. Even though we are a relatively small clan we still kick ass and grind like a wood chipper through paper. We are currently a level two clan working on level three and are looking for active members to help us accomplish this goal. We have active lfgs and group discussions and help players 320 and lower getup to be raid ready we have players specializing in pvp and pve if you are new to destiny and we Sherpa and do guided games to help players get a jist of the mechanics and other helpful tips on grinding. If you are looking to help in any way to the clan you are more than welcome to post any concerns or ideas on the clan wall, our clan colors are gold and black and use the golden trace shader to identify ourselves but we don't force players to wear them since some prefer their own style. We take group screenshots every once in a while to track everyone's progress and highly promote patriotism in the clan. Join the helio wardens if you want a reliable clan who can help with pretty much anything you may need including power leveling new toons or even your main if you haven't completed it, again if u need help with any quests, nightsfalls, raid, etc. post on clan wall or lfg and most likely one of our admins will get you all set up and ready for the war zone 👍🏼 [u]Requirements[/u] Upvote this post No age limit just be mature(ish) Have fun joke around, enjoy yourself [u]To join[/u]: use the link or message me