[Ps4] The Cosmic Voids 2 is looking for Destiny 2 members [18+] and Mic required who want to be part of a large community. Please read full mission statement we are preparing for Destiny 2 Year 2 Forsaken. We welcome PvE and PvP players. Mission statement: We are an expansion clan for the Cosmic Voids Ps4 clan for Destiny 2 (96+ active members), we run our own twitch channel for destiny content so go check that out! The most important thing is team work. We will always have each others back both in PvE and PvP. Recruitment status: -We are always looking for guardians to join our ranks. -We are a [Ps4] clan. -English speaking. -Have a mic. -Being active [2+ days] per week and helping your fellow clan members. -Hate is not tolerated. -Be willing to participate in conversation online. [Discord/game-chat] -Have Discord [This is required] -Have fun We have a PVP admin [M_F_Prime] that organisers trials/ competitive and quickplay, if you are intrested in this side of destiny 2. If you would like more information on our trails teams then contact him on the Destiny app/Psn. If your having trouble finding the clan please use the link below. Run by: [framerategames] https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2/Index?groupId=3210527 Twitch Channel Link Run by: [framerategames] https://www.twitch.tv/cosmicvoidsclan