I didn't bother with it on my Whisper.
That being said, please keep it specific to the Mag and not the first shot in order to keep the Ikelos Sniper (and future weapon rolls) relevant.
If that won't work on the Whisper, then so be it. Whisper was, as it were, a GRIND. Anyone who earned it deserves it. I couldn't. >:[
Agreed. They should just remove it from the whisper or make it so that it’s an exclusive perk that buffs the FOURTH shot after landing 3 precision shots. It would both benefit precision in whisper and keep boxed breathing relevant for the ikelos. I love that sniper, with boxed breathing nerfed I don’t see a reason to use it over the adaptive snipers
The masterwork grind wasn't too bad ... took 3 weeks, but the damage bonus based on catalyst progress definitely helped. If Box Breathing does get hit with the reset-after-shot nerf, then the perk will no longer be worth using since it will drop total DPS output. Talk about self-defeating.
My GF loves box breathing.
box breathing should be unique to the whisper and the ikelos sniper. both should be kept in the heavy slot and have all other snipers in special slot. problem solved. then you keep box breathing the same so those two snipers actually stay unique. or, have box breathing be a perk for whisper only due to it being an exotic.
Did they say this in the stream? I dont remember hearing it.
The problem with box breathing without the nerf is that any weapon without it becomes irrelevant.
It has to be. Any encounter designed with it in mind for damage would be impossible for a team without it and vice versa, it smashed dps requirements for anything designed without it factored in.
Then stop every LFG post that says “Must have whisper”
I can see why they’re doing it and honestly think they need to do it. If they keep it as it is if you get any other perk on your sniper its instantly trash. Box Breathing currently is an amazing perk and completely destroys every other perk.
Remember ghallerjorn??? LFM 385+ must have masterworked whisper.... They dont want that again.
Edited by Phoenix: 8/9/2018 4:25:03 PMIf there's a compromise, I'd say let Y2 weapons and Whisper have the reworked Box Breathing but let the Ikelos Sniper have the original. This lets Ikelos Sniper stay strong and powerful without dropping it in value.
just reduce the strenth of the buff. dont cut off the buffs ?????
If they didn’t, they would just make bosses have more health. Hurting those who either don’t have it or want to use something else.
its not really an issue. just un-scope and re-scope. it raises the skill gap. making the snipers that are good quick scoping shine and the snipers who hard scope get exposed.