originally posted in:Clan Finder
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Been playing D2 for quite a while but its pretty hard to get higher light levels without a fireteam for raids and heroic strikes, so send me an invite if youve got a group that runs raids frequently and can help with the solstice missions
Darkness Arrives PS4 18+ Mic required <------ Discord Required <------------ We are a growing clan with experienced admins. We have a very well setup discord server. Discord is required no exceptions. We are 18+ only. We teach leviathan raid. We all like to help each other out with getting things accomplished. Its nothing but cutting up and having fun. After all its just a game. Come join us, come be part of an awesome team. Very laid back clan, no out of the ordinary requirements. Just that Discord is required. That is where all clan chat and help is setup at. Plus the fun of just cuttin up. https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2/Index?groupId=3199593