Dear Bungie,
[If this has already been mentioned, I apologize, I just didn't see the forum for it. Feel free to link me to it!]
Please bring back Light Machineguns. I'm sure I'm not the only one who misses big chunky guns with large ammo pools laying down fire... I have an idea for how they could stand-out and give them practicality in D2:
Smgs should have proximity perks removed and all of their frames should center around proximity buffs since they are close range weapons. Machineguns should be suppressive fire weapons dealing less damage than ARs but make it harder for your enemy to acquire targets or move the longer you're spitting bullets at them... reserve them solely for power slots.
Scenario 1: You're sniping, enemies are closing in on you. What do you do? Switch to your SMG and melt them once they're in range with close quarter buffs. Rapid reload, or ROF, of critical perks come to mind as different frames for these weapons depending on their achitypes of foundries. If you're still alive after being rushed, go back to sniping.
Scenario 2: Consequently, for LMGs, you have a large number of enemies and a full mag of LMG. You aim at them, forcing them to take cover or else suffer the debuffs from the suppressive fire. Meanwhile, your fireteam flanks and ruins their world.
If these applications come across as too OP or unwieldy, I understand, I just want to see if anyone would agree with me or if you guys would consider this in a future update. The addition of grenade launchers, trace rifles, linear fusion rifles, and bows are fantastic! But I'd love to see Super Good Advice, Thunderlord, and Nemisis Star return to play. I'm thinking mostly from a PVE sense than anything, but I'm sure they would shake things up in the Crucible as well!
Very Respectfully,
Does Anyone else agree?
Can we please call them HMG’s...because that’s what they were in D1.