Ants can fall from any height without dying.
Drunk people are 800% less interesting than they think they are.
It takes a photo approximately 100000 years to travel from the suns core to its surface. But it only takes approximately 8 minutes for the same photon to travel from the suns surface to the earth.
The real reason why the Apollo missons were cancelled is aliens. They found out that the moon was occupied. Occupied by an extraterrestrial species.
Cats do not have 9 lives. After 4 years of waiting, I can say with 100% certainty that they only have 1 life.
Paintballs hurt
God is a sadist.
Every molecule in your body is slowly replaced over the course of about 7 years time. You are LITERALLY not the person you were 7 years ago.
Carbs release dopamine in your brain, the same chemical alcohol, drugs, sex, and gambling cause your brain to release.
Studies have shown that all thumbs are fingers but not all fingers are thumbs.
The odds of making a hole in one in golf are 12,000 to 1
Studies have shown that people who have more birthdays live longer.
Humans share 50-60% of their DNA with bananas Dogs have the emotional capacity of a two year old child. Sharks eat their children. Baby cheetahs have black and white stripes on their backs to trick other predators of thinking they are skunks.
The song Under Pressure was created while the members of Queen and David Bowie were high on cocaine.
Here's my favorite fact: A teaspoon full of neutron star material weighs about 10 million tons. Teaspoon. 10. Million. Tons.
Over 620,000 Americans were killed during the course of the Civil War. Which is more than all of American casualties in every other war we’ve participated in, before and since.
All penguins are left-handed
[i]Floccinaucinihilipilification[/i] is the longest non-medical word in the English language. Noun: The act of estimating something as worthless. [spoiler]Ironic, being that the word is useless and it's only use is novelty. It was made up in order to achieve its place as the longest non-medical word.[/spoiler]
Donald Trump is racist
We’re all slowly dying.
Nobody knows what our Galaxy looks like.
Due to Giant Pandas being terrible parents, whenever twin pandas are born in facilities in China, the staff perform "twin swapping" every couple of hours in order to make sure both cubs get the nutrition they need. In the wild, when cubs are born in twin sets, one usually dies, either from malnutrition or the mother killing it due to not realizing it is her cub.
A severed human head can still respond to stimuli and even look at people and communicate non orally for a few minutes before dying
I have 12 knives, a machete, a rifle, and a 12 gauge [spoiler]dont come rob me... you’ll die[/spoiler]
Fallout: new vegas has a hidden faction called the [i]"Don't taze me bro"[/i] faction which is applied to certain NPCs (companions as an example) which is what allows them to walk through the gates to the strip without being attacked by securitrons
If you don’t breath you’ll die