<I'm a little tired so I'm going to list this stuff rapid-fire.
1. Making a pact with the Worms are not the only method to getting a Throne World.
2. The Worm Gods do not own the Ascendant Plane. Instead residing close to its actual owner, the Darkness. The Darkness is the Deep and the Deep is the center. Beings are Taken by being brought before the Deep by the being who wields the ability. The Blights are portals to the Ascendant Realm, confirmed on Io.
3. Mara Sov and Oryx at some point during the Taken War entered each others thrones. Mara presumably at the time of the Dreadnaught blast and Oryx sometime between that and King's Fall... his death. Side note, the Reverie Dawn set confirms Oryx is truly dead.
4. Mara Sov does have a throne world connected to the Dreaming City. Why does she have it? Unknown. How did she get it? We all saw the Harbingers. She even by herself is immensely powerful, even if sometimes the Techuens need to help channel the energy. Not to mention that Awoken are half Light and half Dark. Do I need to remind anyone what controls the Ascendant Plane? Also murdering half a Fallen fleet maybe had something to do with it...
5. [quote]This creature is all teeth and broken promises, transformed by the expectations of another scheming, secretive sister.[/quote]
Mara's perspective in third person reviewing the Dreaming City and what has happened. This creature has been Taken by a "scheming, secretive sister". Anyone who remembers who the Taken belong to post-Oryx and Malok know who that sister is.
6. The Mindbender was exposed to Hive tech and power for an undefined period of time. Any Dreg willing to survive will learn how things work. Dreg-strength. If he gets a Throne World from spending a lot of time in the pit, I wouldn't question it. The Hive draw their power from the Worms who use the [b]Darkness[/b]. *COUGH COUGH*
There is no reason to question the Mindbender's strength until we know how long he was in there or what he actually did.
Mara has a throne world.
Oryx mucked about in her throne world while she was in his.
Savathun has entered her throne world and Taken important beings.
Savathun and Mara Sov are separate entities.
The Darkness owns the AP, so all you should really need is some Darkness ability and power through the Sword to get a Throne World.
Are we good?>
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