Just sharing my thoughts. would love to hear what you guys think though.
Earlier today I was browsing the forums and saw a bunch of 'crucible is broken'. I thought it couldnt be that bad as I had played crucible the day before and enjoiyed my time. So I just started playing Destiny 2 grindin that heroes armor. I thought it was better to do the FORCED CRUCIBLE WINS now since theres triple points on Iron Banner.
I played for hours.
didnt win a single match
didnt have fun
got disconnected 3 times
But what pisses me off the most is the fact that I couldnt just quit playing because you NEED 5 wins for the armor. Not only are you forced to play something only 5% of the community enjoys, but you need to also win, something which is completely decided by if the enemy team uses graviton and antiope. Crucible is incredibly unpredictable and making someone play for wins when their skill barely decides if they win
I hope Forsaken changes things. I really do. Please dont let us down bungo.
Edit: it sounds like im a peasant no skill pve player. Im not. Im mainly a pvp player. Id say im perhaps a bit above average. So why complain? Because right now your skill doesnt matter.
I am trying to get lunas houl. After hours of grinding according to my math. I have to win 20 games in a row to get where I meed to be. It is literally luck who you get placed with and against and it doesn't matter how good you are at the game. Meta always wins. Please bungie...
Nope only made it back to D1 status where shotguns and shoulder charge Titans run rampid not to mention that the light is enabled in IB and Gambit so all those people at farmed Prime engrams the first week the game came out already have an edge where other people who played it normally don't
Shotgun / sniper meta here we come
Not sure where you’re getting this 5% number. It’s closer to 40%. When you start your rant with misinformation, everything that follows is questionable at best. Maybe try and get your wins in one of the other playlists until your skill catches up to your ego.
Oh, don’t do that. I, a PVP player, had to run the whisper mission to get the weapon. I was FORCED to run a prestige raid and do the raid lairs to get my solstice items complete. The best items require one to be well rounded in all areas, as it should be. And I can jump into PVP and go positive no matter what weapons I use. I am not stellar at PVP, it just requires you to play smart. If you constantly feed lanes filled with Graviton it is your own fault, not the developers’.
[quote]I played for hours. didnt win a single match.[/quote] Your Warlock [u]won its last 5 games[/u], Your Titan [u]won the last 3 games[/u], Your hunter[u] won 8 of its last 10 games[/u]. Did you play on a different account?
Iron banner has sbmm. So you're complaining you lost a ton in a game mode that matches you to people of your skill level? Then talk about skill? 🤔 this sums up the destiny PvP community on these forums.
I'm not getting forsaken because I need to know various things (like crucible) are fixed BEFORE I commit. Mass deletion of shaders, crucible, glitches in the raids, incentives to grind....ect ect....so many things need to be addressed. I'm sure some of the issues will be ironed out but I doubt crucible will be one of them.
Funny you say that. I've usually a 50% win loss, win here, lose there, no big deal. But this weekend, I think I played 35 games and lost 33, literally losing constantly, triple capped, losing clash matches by 100 to 22 etc. Never seen as much lag, playing people from Peru, I went positive all but 1 game which was Vs Japanese players i cudn't kill even with supers, it just felt very strange. It's very off-putting that since it went 6v6 it's even laggier than D1 was, n depending how PvP focused Forsaken is, and given gambit is PvP + ranked , I might just say enough so enough
Just last tues with the IRon Banner they hotfixed crucible quickplay and iron banner back to skill based matchmaking and its a nightmare not fun. Everyone is using meta u have to use meta to compete, so the whole 2 teams are sweating it out. Not fun in a mode that its even competitive. Dont get me wrong the last month of update 1.2.3, i had really good games and I was blown out some, but also had alot of tight matches. The unifying thing about the last month be4 this last tues was that people were using differnt loadouts and trying different things, it was way more fun. Not fun this last week. If this is the way Bungie wants quickplay I'll just have to quit Destiny again and play one of the many many games coming out this sept-nov.
I hope flinch and heavy recoil aren't the dominant factor in any engagement from pve to pvp Let players prove themselves and allow fast paced self determined outcomes like halo allows. Don't have flinch do all the work or any other uncontrollable mechanics to hinder skilled play Tldr; get rid of low skill gap mechanics
Well I hate to break it to you, but Forsaken is trading teamshot in for rocket/noobtube spam with intermitten shotgun and sniper blasts. Throughout the entirety of Destiny's existence, there have never truly been anything skillful about its PvP. The good players will be good no matter what balance. The bad players may gain certain edges are most prevalent (teamshot) but that doesn't mean a fast ttk is going to completely eliminate teamshot lmao. Stop perpetuating incorrect notions. In Forsaken, you're just going to get teamshot by power ammo hoarding fireteams by way of explosives. And if those won't kill you, the no skill shotgun apes and camping snipers will. Hardly worth coming back for. They had it almost right by Age of Triumph. The only thing that ruined it was the ammo regen gimmick and sidearms.
Yeah I hear you. Crucible is FUBAR right now without doubt. I don’t need to go into the issues as they’re all well documented and have been posted 100s if times already. I truly hope the PVP in this game improves once Forsaken hits. I sure hope so.
Edited by Codykins: 8/20/2018 12:39:34 PMThe only upside in my opinion is that Bungie is apparently bringing back the near exact same TTK system as D1, so Crucible will be significantly faster paced. As it stands now, nothing irritates me more than catching someone off guard, pumping some shots into them, and they have time to casually run behind cover because the TTK is so slow. So frustrating.
I'll take 6 wins out of 10 anyday. How do you figure you lost for hours?
You do realize we can see your game play history ?
oh yeah it'll fix it real gud, 3 shotties equipped at once will be the first sign of improvement
This is because Iron Banner is SBMM this time. The last time it was really nice to play IB. I did 3 matches the other day and i rage quit. SBMM in Destiny doesn't work for the majority of players. You get connected with players with bad connections, so you get lag, delay and bad hit registration. Better play Quick Play, it's much better than Iron Banner.
It won’t but a boy can dream, right?
By all accounts, if you're doing the five wins for solstice armour you're more likely better off in quick play than banner. That said, I haven't set foot in Iron Banner this time around.
Nope, it will suck even more! They are gonna add more code to confuse this already slow game and connections will suffer.
Instead of sitting there and complaining that you didn’t win at all, you should actually just try to get better at the game.
Banner sucks now, but.... I get 5 wins easily; so I have to disagree. It's not that bad, at least not what you're complaining about isn't. I don't d/c or anything. Lance sucks butt though.
Going to be a laggy dome of pros killing you by 1 shot. like right now on IB.
Just play another pvp game
I predict the Crucible will be an incredible sh*t show but so much so that’ll it’ll be fun lol.