{Rebooting... Done.}
{Checking security clearance...}
{Admin ability enabled}
{Open file?}
<Open Log_1>
Alien discovery 0 days ago.
We are [b]not[/b] alone. I have just detected an Alien craft entering our solar system. I am on the Eternity running tests on my new AI program and a satellite detected the craft. I will keep you updated on this.
{File finished. Start Log_2?}
Alien discovery 28 days ago.
I have discovered something terrible. The aliens are hostile. They destroyed a satellite that was monitoring them. I must stop this. Luckily I met someone who has a plan. His name is Cell-3.
{File end. Start Log_3?}
<No. Initiate shutdown.>
{Shutting down.}
End of Log 1