Oh boy am I ready. I'm gonna yeet myself into battle like a cliff jumper or a lineman in football. I will shoulder charge whatever moves... Teammates and wildlife included. Is the enemy team to far to slam? Well let me just YEET myself over there like a ballistic -blam!-ing missile and beat everything around to a pulp!
Except for the Hunters that just run away and can jump over everything, odds are they're gonna jump over me amd shoot me with a primary or secondary shotgun and then complain I'm overpowered even though they easily countered me. Oh no the ballistic yeet will not work...I have a sledgehammer waiting for them with their names on it...
Personally I would rather win 1000 straight games with a .7 kd,than win 50% with a 3.0
I feel like a lot of K/D ratios are gonna skew down because players will be trying their new Supers and trying to adjust to them (Looks like Hunter Knives have air drift on activation which can muck aim up, Titans have the new missile launch that could easily lead to suicide or death, etc)