I’m making this post in hopes that a community manager relays this information back to the dev team that’s doing their best to make destiny 2 strike loot a daily hobby, a hobby that destiny 1 (year 2 and 3) players are for the most part familiar with. With destiny 2, strike specific loot has been moved exclusively to nightfalls (except for the exotic sparrow). I personally find that running the same nightfall over and over again is a monotonous and ‘unfun’ experience especially since this loot’s drop chance has been at face value severely decreased unless you find a dedicated team to go for a high score, but still the drop chance of having a high score has not yet been specified. As opposed to destiny 1 in which the amazing and innovative decision of skeleton keys and golden chests made this loot much more fun to chase for both hardcore and causal players since once a player got a key they could try their chance at a golden chest, I am no developer by any means but I believe that this skeleton key system was in every way shape and form superior to this nightfall grind system. With forsaken on the way I believe that this is a golden opportunity for bungie to bring back this beloved system and innovate upon it. Honestly if bungie were to simply bring back the exact same formula in which the first nightfall of the week guarantees a key and heroic strikes always had a good chance of dropping a key, I believe that this would be enough to bring back this hobby :)
D1 system was good