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I recently switched to XB1 from PS4 so I'm in need of a clan to help with raids/nightfalls/PvP etc. Tried 2 different clans so far and there was no cooperation so I'm trying again. I don't really have much as far as stats go on XB but you can find my stats from my PSN at https://destinytracker.com/d2/profile/psn/Mspec_18 and my stats for XB (so far) at https://destinytracker.com/d2/profile/xbl/Mspec15
[Xbox] The Dank Nation [u][b]About Us[/b][/u] We were a bunch of meme bois that would do raids together and have fun when playing D1. When D2 was announced we decided to make a meme-clan. We are all hardcore-players that dedicated our time to D2 until we went on a break, and now with Forsaken coming out we want to expand our clan to players that are dedicated to the game and to help grow with the clan. [u][b]What can you expect[/b][/u] -Sherpas to help you out with anything(Are recruiting) -3 clan engrams being completed(looking for trails members if interested) -Scheduled clan raids/trails -Discord server:[url]https://discord.gg/8Q7escy[/url](Mandatory if you wanna join clan) -Active around weekends mostly at night NA REGION(Central +EST) [u][b]Requirements[/b][/u] This is a hardcore clan and we want people that want spend time dedicated to raids and pvp so if you want to join here are the requirements: -You must have discord as it is our clans sources for raid schedules and for meeting new friends -Must be active once per 2 weeks -Most importantly you must have some high quality memes -We don't care about region [u][b]Sherpa Recruitment[/b][/u] We have 5 spots available for people that looking to be a Sherpa for our clan to help teach first timers that have not done a raid or someone that needs help. If your interested contact either Lightningdank#3441 or the Raid/Trails Leaders on discord